problem in configure

David Reiser dbreiser at
Mon Jul 3 11:25:21 EDT 2006

I'm trying to do a make distclean in preparation for building  
svn14458, and I get:

checking if guile needs our copy of (guile www)... ./configure: line  
15593: syntax error near unexpected token `gnc_have_guile_www,'
./configure: line 15593: `GUILE_MODULE_AVAILABLE(gnc_have_guile_www, 
(www main))'
make: *** [config.status] Error 2

It has been a couple weeks since I built gnucash, and I have  
'upgraded' Apples Xcode tools, so I might have done this to myself.  
Any suggestions?

David Reiser
dbreiser at
Mac 10.4.7, gcc 4.0.1

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