types documentation (was Re: unused opt-callback in trunk/src/report/utility-reports/view-column.scm

Larry Evans cppljevans at cox-internet.com
Tue Jul 18 15:11:56 EDT 2006

On 07/18/2006 10:41 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Larry Evans <cppljevans at cox-internet.com> writes:
>>Good point, but a better (IMHO) method is to document the "type"
>>of report-info with comments somewhere in the file.  Something like:
>>;  (<report-id>
>>;    (gnc:make-report
>>;      report-name ; name of report ('name arg to gnc:define-report).
>>;    )
>>;  )
>>;  (<report-info>
>>;    (list
>>;      report-id ; <report-id>
>>;      row-span  ; rows occupied by subreport, report-id.
>>;      col-span  ; columns occupied by subreport, report-id.
>>;      callback  ; either #f or callback to set options for report-id.
>>;    )
>>;  )
> Something like this would be good.  Feel free to submit a patch like
> this.
I searched http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development for a place to submit
a patch, but found none; so, I'm attaching it here.

The patch is a little different than what was proposed above.  Instead
of defining "types", I thought defining a constructor for the type
would be better.  Thus, for an argument list, the documentation
follows the scheme:

   ( arg0 ; make-T0(...)
     arg1 ; number? "description"
     argn ; make-Tn(...)

IOW, each argument name (e.g. arg0), is followed by ; and either
a contructor name (e.g. make-T0(...)) for the argument or a predicate
(e.g. number?) and optionally followed by a description in double

Hope that'll work.

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