Scheduled Transactions dead list

Andrew Duggan cmkrnl at
Thu May 4 17:47:03 EDT 2006


If someone knows off the top of his head, what the "dead list" is WRT 
scheduled transaction, it would help me out a lot.

The reminders and "to_create_list" seem to be pretty easy to grasp, but 
right now the best I can tell the dead list is maybe for those scheduled 
txn that are past the "repeats until" point or past the specified lifetime 
in terms of number of occurrences?  Is that right?

I see in dialog-sxsincelast.c that add_dead_list_to_gui() is called from 
obsolete_prep and list GList is generated from the generate_instances(), 
but I've never seen them "in real life" so as to speak, at least as far as 
I can tell.

Sorry to be a such a noob on this, Thanks,


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