Splash Screen Revisited

Chris Shoemaker c.shoemaker at cox.net
Sun May 7 14:52:31 EDT 2006

On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 01:40:52AM -0500, Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art wrote:
> I was looking on the wiki for things to help with and I saw art as one
> of the options.
> I wondered what art needs work.
> I've read the previous comments about splash screens, and thought I'd
> offer one.
> www.impressusart.com/download/gnucash_splash.png
> It's in keeping with the current one's design, but different.
> What do you think?

My honest first impression is negative: I can't quite tell what that
object in the foreground is.  At first, I thought it was a knife!
Now, I think it might be a letter-opener, or maybe a pen.  In any
case, it looks too similar to a weapon for my tastes.

Also, I think it'd be nice to have some consistency between the splash
screen and other places where there is art, like the website.  So, I'd
suggest either reusing the "GnuCash" word from the website, or
proposing a set of logos to replace the art on the website, too.

FWIW, I like your logo a bit better than the existing one.  Your's is
cleaner and less-funky, but I see a big value in consistency.


> Joshua Facemyer
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