Reconcile window rebuilds

David Hampton hampton-gnucash at
Sat May 20 14:59:10 EDT 2006

On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 22:50 +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> Hi!
> Found with 1.9.5 and still there in r14032:
> When I reconcile and click on items so they get their check mark,
> sometimes the whole dialog window is rebuilt. It looks like gnucash
> decides that a column width is too small and makes it bigger (only
> a few pixels I think), and that affects all columns to the right
> of it.
> Usually, it ends up looking nearly the same as before, but there's
> a second of unrest while the columns are rebuilt.
> ...
> Has anyone else seen this? Should I bugzilla it?

I see this too.  I believe its true that the two item lists are
completely rebuilt with each change, but I haven't checked.


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