Cross-platform GUI

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 17 12:42:22 EDT 2006


This is a development list, not a user support list.  Discussion
on this list is primarily between and for developers.  Any suggestions
sent here are treated like any other suggestion for developing code.
If it fits in the architecture it's encouraged.  If it doesn't fit
into the architecture then it's nipped in the bud before someone spends
lots of time on something that will never get used.

I think Christian was perfectly polite, explaining in no uncertain
terms that no, we do not plan to change from GTK to WxWindows or Qt
or anything else.

His statement of 300,000 lines of code in the GUI is an exageration.
However, over 60% of GnuCash code *IS* in the GUI..  The reason is that
the GUI code is more than just I/O -- it also contains input validation
and some of the actual business logic, too.

Rewriting that is a major undertaking -- just look at how long it
took to go from gtk1 to gtk2, and there the APIs only changed a little.
Converting to Wx would be such a major undertaking that I would expect
it to take a decade (given the rate it took to convert to gtk2).

I'll also point out that GTK2 /IS/ cross platform.   We have GnuCash
working on Linux/Unix, MacOS, and Windows now!  So I see little benefit
of moving to Wx.

As for the FAQ...  It still applies..  And pointing users to a FAQ
is a completely reasonable response to Frequently Asked Questions.
Perhaps the question isn't EXACTLY what was asked, but the answer
still applies.

Thanks for your concern,


Quoting Bob Hunter <catdogbeloved at>:

> Waoh! That was a nasty replay to a polite question.
> Consider polishing your mouth with the soap before
> making any more p.r.!
> Let me ask you a question. If you hate users, why
> bothering with the product in the first place? If we
> ask for something, over and over again, then perhaps
> you should consider adding it to the "to do list",
> rather than the "faq off list". Please note also that
> the FAQ does *not* refer to the GUI...
> I hardly believe gnucash's GUI takes 300.000 lines of
> code. If it does, then this is one more reason to drop
> GTK.
> -bob
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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