SQL backend for GnuCash 2

Phil Longstaff plongstaff at rogers.com
Mon Oct 23 18:37:24 EDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-23-10 at 17:14 -0500, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
> Attached you'll find a DataBase Schema for GnuCash.
> This is in order to bigin the development to support DB backend (and
> replase the actual file one).
> I added a Inventory Table (or Class) in wich you can have the
> merchandise in a small business like a small store.

What version of Dia do you have?  I have 0.94, and when I load it, I get
a number of messages about connection points which do not exist.

It's a good start, but I have some issues with the schema:

1) Accounts: parent is not null.  However, the top level accounts
(Assets, Liabilities, ...) don't have a parent.  In addition, the parent
should be a foreign key reference back to the Accounts table.

2) You have a Currencys (should be Currencies) table.  However, tables
which should have a foreign key reference to it just have type
"integer".  In addition, this should probably be a Commodities table to
include stocks and mutual funds.

3) An account can have a type which is a commodity (for stock or mutual
fund accounts).

4) You need to split Transactions in Transactions and Splits.  A
Transaction will include the date (currently, both entry date and
posting date (the one you see)), description, commodity (currency?).  A
Split will include the memo, reconciliation state and reconciliation
date (end date of the statement), credit or debit amount (can be 1 field
with +ve or -ve value), account, ...

5) The current XML schema stores other info with each Account.  The info
seems to be related to recently or commonly used transactions.

6) You need to add a Price table for commodity prices and currency
exchange rates.

I don't use the GnuCash business features, so I won't comment on those


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