SQL backend for GnuCash 2

Daniel Espinosa esodan at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 16:00:09 EDT 2006

2006/10/24, Phil Longstaff <plongstaff at rogers.com>:
> On Mon, 2006-23-10 at 22:38 -0400, Josh Sled wrote:
> > It'll probably be the case that the SQL DDL statements will be easier to
> > work with than these pictures.  Just plain text like...
> >
> >     CREATE TABLE accounts
> >     (
> >       id int NOT NULL,
> >       name String,
> >       parent int NOT NULL, -- fk(Account.id)
> >       [...]
> >     )
> >
> > ...is better.
> I've attached a first cut at DDL for the core stuff.  It doesn't include
> slots, lots, some sched txn stuff.

I love to see the DDL (Database Definition Language?), but I consider
that to finish the graphic schema could be better (I made a lot of
changes) and is usefull when you don't use SQL but libgda or other
toolkit to create the Database Definition and relations.

>I based it on the code which writes
> out XML.  I don't understand some of the interactions with pieces of the
> sched txn stuff or lots.  The contents of slots seems to me to be object
> dependent i.e budget slots will be different than account slots.  I also
> haven't looked too much at the business stuff yet.  I imagine I will
> tackle it in a similar manner to what I do now i.e. convert XML
> definitions to table definitions.  However, I don't use the business
> features, so won't really be able to test it.

I'll study you DDL and try to include it in the graphic (I sended the
0.1 version) version 0.2.

Trabajar, la mejor arma para tu superación
"de grano en grano, se hace la arena" (R) (entrámite, pero para los
cuates: LIBRE)

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