SQL backend for GnuCash 2

Tony Bloomfield tonyb.lx at btinternet.com
Thu Oct 26 06:48:45 EDT 2006

On Wednesday 25 October 2006 15:57, Phil Longstaff wrote:
> I'd be happy to look at what you have.  It seems to me that there will
> be enough differences that I won't be able to use much.  I assume you
> used the Qt SQL classes rather than libgda or libdbi so I can't use much
> (if anything) of your implementation.

Attached a copy of the DDL and a bit of description, mostly usage oriented. I 
agree that it's not a realistic goal to create a common database format; I 
was only proposing a possible exchange of ideas. If you think that any of the 
code could be of use, I'm happy to send it, or you can get it from CVS 
(sorry, don't use SVN yet) from Sourceforge via the KMM home page.

You'll note that the design is pretty simplistic. This was a deliberate 
decision, in an attempt to make it as compatible as possible across various 
RDB implementations, especially 'lite' ones.

For that reason, you won't find any CONSTRAINTS, or INDEXES (savvy users can 
always create their own for performance in their particular scenario; also, 
the user manual will be used to provide some advice on this).

As Phil says, we use the Qt classes. Sadly, these don't provide any support 
for design changes, presumably because of the differences in implementation 
by the various RDB providers. This is probably going to make future 
extensions to the structure a bit of a problem. I'm hoping that the design of 
the KVP table will enable simple extensions to be implemented, but it's 
difficult to say without knowing what they'll be! As for larger changes, my 
current implementation allows for creating new tables without too much 
difficulty, but I'm not sure just how compatible are DDL statements to, for 
example, add a column to a table. Is it best to try to do this in code, or to 
provide separate 'database upgrade' scripts (which may need to be tailored) 
with new releases?

Finally, the present KMM implementation merely treats the database as if it 
were a serial file, with no in-place update. I'm working on a 'proper' 
implementation as time permits, but if I understand correctly about your QOF 
framework, you'll probably have a head start on me.

Good luck.


-------------- next part --------------

   #[1]The  KMyMoney  Handbook [2]The KMyMoney Handbook [3]Anonymous file
   [4]Chapter 21. Reference

   Database Usage


Chapter 20. Database Usage

   Tony Bloomfield <tonybloom at users.sourceforge.net>
   Revision 0.9 (2005-12-16)

Database usage


   At the time of writing, the software described in this chapter is still in
   an experimental stage, and loss of data is possible. Please ensure that you
   have an alternative backup copy of your data before committing to database


   As of release 1.0, KMyMoney allows you to hold your data in a relational
   database. One of the advantages of using this industry-standard format is
   that it may allow you to view your data using one of the graphic front ends
   such as OpenOffice.org©, perhaps in some format that KMyMoney currently
   doesn't provide. Also, a little knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language,
   the language used world-wide to access relational databases) should enable
   you more easily to extract data to feed into some external program, as for
   example a budgeting application.

   It should be noted that the current release of the program merely treats the
   database in the same fashion as an ordinary file, in that it reads all the
   data into memory when opened, and writes updated data back when closed. A
   more conventional method of database access, i.e. reading and updating data
   only as required, is planned for a future release.


   To access the database, KMyMoney uses the SQL module supplied by Trolltech®
   as part of their Qt® programming system. This module supports a number of
   different database systems through a collection of drivers. Among the more
   popular open-source systems for which drivers are available are MySQL®,
   SQLite  and  PostgreSQL  The  module also supports the 'heavier', more
   industrial, systems such as Oracle® and IBM DB2®

   With the exception of SQLite, these systems use a client/server model, where
   the 'client' software sits on 'your' machine, whilst the server lives on the
   same machine as the database itself, which may be elsewhere on a network. Of
   course, in the normal scenario for a personal finance application such as
   KMyMoney, 'your' machine acts as both client and server. Your first task
   therefore, having decided which database system you wish to use, is to
   install the client, and most probably server, software.

   (SQLite does not operate on a client/server model; each database is held in
   a regular file, local or remote, accessed using the normal methods supplied
   by the underlying operating system. In this case, therefore, there is only
   one software package to install.)

   In addition to the database software itself, you must also install the
   corresponding Qt® driver module. Most distributions will include driver
   modules  for  the  more  popular  databases. Otherwise, check with the
   [7]Trolltech web site and search for 'SQL drivers'


   Looking after databases is a little more complex than dealing with regular
   files. Each system has different methods for performing those necessary
   administrative tasks such as initial creation, assigning permissions to
   various users, producing backups etc. Describing these is outside the scope
   of this manual, but all of the supported products provide comprehensive
   reference documentation, and a quick search of the web will point you at
   many tutorials on the subject.

Creating the database

   Code has been included to create an initial database to hold your data if
   one doesn't exist (currently only for MySQL and SQLite). However it is
   strongly recommended that you pre-create a database, because most of the
   products provide a number of options which may be relevant. One that may be
   of particular importance to some would be the designation of the character
   set (e.g. UTF-8) to be used for text fields.

   You will also need at this time to specify permissions for various users to
   perform different operations on the database. In most systems, the user who
   creates the database will be automatically assigned all permissions, but
   this is an area in which the documentation should be consulted.

   For your first usage of the database, and occasionally at other times when
   the database layout changes, you will need permission to create and alter
   tables (see next paragraph). For normal running, you will need to be able to
   read and write records; these are normally defined in SQL as SELECT, INSERT,
   UPDATE and DELETE permissions.

Creating Tables

   On your first usage, KMyMoney will attempt to create the necessary table
   structures. In order to achieve the maximum compatibility between various
   database types, only a subset of common data types are used. There may
   nevertheless be situations where a particular type is not supported, and in
   this case, provision has been made to generate the SQL code necessary to
   create tables. This code can then be modified as required and used to create
   the tables outside of KMyMoney. Should you find yourself in this situation,
   help   can   usually   be   obtained   from   (kmymoney2-developer  AT

Initial usage

   Using KMyMoney, open or import an existing data file, or create a new one.
   Then select 'Save as Database' from the File menu. This will present the
   following dialog:

Database Type

   This box lists all Qt SQL drivers installed on your system. Select the
   driver for your database type. If the one you want is not in the list, you
   need to install the appropriate driver. See your distro documentation, or
   visit the [8]Trolltech web site and search for 'SQL drivers'.

Database name

   The default database name is KMyMoney, but you may choose some other name if
   you like. SQLite has one database per file; selecting this driver opens the
   file dialog. For database types other than MySQL, the database name must be
   pre-created,  though  KMyMoney  will create all table structures where

Host name

   For the average user, the default name of localhost, being the machine you
   are  currently  using,  is correct. For networked databases, enter the
   connected host name.

User name and password

   Check the permissions set up on your database, or contact the database
   administrator, for the correct values to use here. The user name must be
   capable of selecting, deleting, inserting and updating records. If the user
   name is the same as your login name, a password is not normally required.

Generate SQL

   This button will generate the CREATE TABLE commands to a text file, which
   may be edited if the in-built commands do not work for your database system
   (see previous paragraph)..

Accessing your data

Table design

   To access your data in KMyMoney, use the Open Database entry in the File
   menu. This will open a dialog similar to the above.

   To access your data in other formats, you will need to know a little about
   how it is held in relational databases. By far the easiest way to get a feel
   for this is to open the database in a front-end such as OpenOffice.org. This
   provides a list of the various tables which go to make up the database, and
   enables you to see the layout of each of them.

   To extract data, e.g. into a spreadsheet or external file, it is almost
   invariably necessary to select linked data from one or more tables. This is
   done by 'joining' the tables, using a field which is common to each. You can
   find a lot more information about how this is done from the online tutorials
   mentioned above. The following table lists the fields used to define these
   inter-table relationships.




   Institutions and Accounts



   Accounts Parent/Child



   Transactions and Splits (see Note 1)



   Accounts and Splits



   Payees and Splits



   Schedules and Transactions



   Transactions and Currencies



   Accounts and Securities (see Note 2)



   Securities and Prices


   kmmPrices.fromId or kmmPrices.toId

   Currency Rates


   kmmPrices.fromId or kmmPrices.toId


   1 – txType = “N” for normal transactions, “S” for scheduled transactions

   2 – if kmmAccounts.isStockAccount = “Y”

Field formats

   Several of the data fields are held in an internal format which may not be
   immediately useful to external programs. In these cases, the information has
   been duplicated in both internal and external formats.

   Monetary amounts and share values are shown both in numerator/denominator
   format, and, with a field name suffixed with 'Formatted', in the form as
   shown on your screens.

   Similarly, some fields such as account type appear both as a numeric code,
   and  in  a  field  suffixed  'String'  in the form and language of the

Updating your data

   Having data in an industry standard format does give you the ability to
   modify it outside the KMyMoney application. DON'T DO IT unless you really
   know what you're doing, and always be certain to make a backup copy of your
   data first. If you get it wrong, KMyMoney may not be able to access your
   data, and you could even end up losing it altogether. You have been warned!

Stored queries

   Most  database  systems  allow  you to store commonly used queries and
   procedures, and in some cases, these may be held as tables within your
   database itself. As you will have guessed from the above, all the tables
   used by KMyMoney begin with the lower-case letters 'kmm'. This standard will
   be maintained, and only tables beginning with these letters will be updated.
   Thus provided you avoid these in the naming of your queries etc., you should
   not experience any problems.



   If  your  table  is  of medium or large size, you can see considerable
   improvements in loading and storing times by creating an index on the Splits
   table. This is done from the command line as follows:
tonyb:~> mysql KMyMoney # or whatever your database is called
mysql> CREATE INDEX tx on kmmSplits (transactionId, splitId);
mysql> quit
tonyb at CROW:~>


   To be supplied


   Encryption of data on your database is not currently supported.



   Anonymous file

   Would you like to make a comment or contribute an update to this page?
   Send feedback to the [13]KDE Docs Team


   1. file://localhost/tmp/index.html
   2. file://localhost/tmp/index.html
   3. file://localhost/tmp/details.formats.anonymous.html
   4. file://localhost/tmp/reference.html
   5. file://localhost/tmp/details.formats.anonymous.html
   6. file://localhost/tmp/reference.html
   7. http://www.trolltech.com/
   8. http://www.trolltech.com/
   9. file://localhost/tmp/details.formats.anonymous.html
  10. file://localhost/tmp/reference.html
  11. file://localhost/tmp/index.html
  12. file://localhost/tmp/index.html
  13. mailto:kde-docs at kdemail.net
-------------- next part --------------
CREATE TABLE kmmAccounts (
    id varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    institutionId varchar(32),
    parentId varchar(32),
    lastReconciled datetime,
    lastModified datetime,
    openingDate date,
    accountNumber text,
    accountType varchar(16) NOT NULL,
    accountTypeString text,
    isStockAccount char(1),
    accountName text,
    description text,
    currencyId varchar(32),
    balance text,
    balanceFormatted text
CREATE TABLE kmmCurrencies (
    ISOcode char(3) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    name text NOT NULL,
    type smallint unsigned,
    typeString text,
    symbol1 smallint unsigned,
    symbol2 smallint unsigned,
    symbol3 smallint unsigned,
    symbolString varchar(255),
    partsPerUnit varchar(24),
    smallestCashFraction varchar(24),
    smallestAccountFraction varchar(24)
CREATE TABLE kmmFileInfo (
    version varchar(16),
    created date,
    lastModified date,
    baseCurrency char(3),
    institutions bigint unsigned,
    accounts bigint unsigned,
    payees bigint unsigned,
    transactions bigint unsigned,
    splits bigint unsigned,
    securities bigint unsigned,
    prices bigint unsigned,
    currencies bigint unsigned,
    schedules bigint unsigned,
    reports bigint unsigned,
    kvps bigint unsigned,
    dateRangeStart date,
    dateRangeEnd date,
    hiInstitutionId bigint unsigned,
    hiPayeeId bigint unsigned,
    hiAccountId bigint unsigned,
    hiTransactionId bigint unsigned,
    hiScheduleId bigint unsigned,
    hiSecurityId bigint unsigned,
    hiReportId bigint unsigned,
    encryptData varchar(255),
    updateInProgress char(1)
CREATE TABLE kmmInstitutions (
    id varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    name text NOT NULL,
    manager text,
    routingCode text,
    addressStreet text,
    addressCity text,
    addressZipcode text,
    telephone text
CREATE TABLE kmmKeyValuePairs (
    kvpType varchar(16) NOT NULL,
    kvpId varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    kvpKey varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    kvpData text
CREATE TABLE kmmPayees (
    id varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    name text,
    reference text,
    email text,
    addressStreet text,
    addressCity text,
    addressZipcode text,
    addressState text,
    telephone text
CREATE TABLE kmmPrices (
    fromId varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    toId varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    priceDate date NOT NULL,
    price text NOT NULL,
    priceFormatted text,
    priceSource text
CREATE TABLE kmmReportConfig (
    name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    XML longtext
CREATE TABLE kmmSchedulePaymentHistory (
    schedId varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    payDate date NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE kmmSchedules (
    id varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    name text NOT NULL,
    type tinyint unsigned NOT NULL,
    typeString text,
    occurence smallint unsigned NOT NULL,
    occurenceString text,
    paymentType tinyint unsigned,
    paymentTypeString longtext,
    startDate date NOT NULL,
    endDate date,
    fixed char(1) NOT NULL,
    autoEnter char(1) NOT NULL,
    lastPayment date,
    nextPaymentDue date,
    weekendOption tinyint unsigned NOT NULL,
    weekendOptionString text
CREATE TABLE kmmSecurities (
    id varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    name text NOT NULL,
    symbol text,
    type smallint unsigned NOT NULL,
    typeString text,
    smallestAccountFraction varchar(24),
    tradingMarket text,
    tradingCurrency char(3)
CREATE TABLE kmmSplits (
    transactionId varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    txType char(1),
    splitId smallint unsigned NOT NULL,
    payeeId varchar(32),
    reconcileDate datetime,
    action varchar(16),
    reconcileFlag char(1),
    value text NOT NULL,
    valueFormatted text,
    shares text NOT NULL,
    sharesFormatted text,
    memo text,
    accountId varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    checkNumber varchar(16)
CREATE TABLE kmmTransactions (
    id varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    txType char(1),
    postDate datetime,
    memo text,
    entryDate datetime,
    currencyId char(3),
    bankId text

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