SX: Created Transactions not removed from SLR list

Josh Sled jsled at
Sun Apr 15 13:48:05 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 00:05 -0400, Volker Englisch wrote:

> /home/venglisc/g2-test/test1.8.gc:199386: namespace error : Namespace 
> prefix fs on day is not defined
>          <fs:day>20</fs:day>

I've seen this as well on 1.8 files without namespace decls.  I'm not
quite sure what happened – if anything – with the code to handle old XML
files that didn't have namespaces declared ... maybe libxml2 is just
getting stricter.  In any case, this'd be nice to fix before 2.2.

> it did open the data file but all of my transactions scheduled annually 
> were converted to a January date.  The day of the month is correct 
> though.  For instance,
>     March   23rd is converted to January 23rd,
>     June    15th is converted to January 15th,
>     October 1st  is converted to January 1st, ...
> The monthly transactions are converted correctly.

Ah, yeah, I see now... I broke this.   I was trying to be crafty. :(
I hope to have a fix in early this week.

> Coming back to the View button in the Edit Scheduled Transactions window 
> this is still not doing anything for me even with the latest version 
> using a complete new checkout from SVN.

This is really weird.  What version of GTK?  Is there anything on the
console when you load a dense cal (any of them; the SX list tab is

> The one thing that I'm not crazy about are the two drop down menus for 
> Frequency and Start Date of the Frequency tab spanning over the entire 
> width of the window when the text fills hardly 20% of the width.  Even 
> though this is not new to the tabbed display it probably appears worse 
> now because the layout is not as crowded.

The GncFrequency widget doesn't like to have so much space.  I've a todo
to tweak the layout, here.

> The little window displays when you hover over the calendar of the SXs 
> only adjusts in size to display additional information but it does not 
> shrink.

Fixed in r15900.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}
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