GnuCash 2.1.0 Released

Nathan Buchanan nbinont at
Mon Apr 16 22:42:28 EDT 2007

As a follow up to this announcement, Windows binaries are now available on

On 4/14/07, Chris Lyttle <chris at> wrote:
>     GnuCash 2.1.0 released
> The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 2.1.0 aka
> "Opening Windows", the first of several unstable 2.1.x releases of the
> GnuCash OpenSource Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the
> stable version 2.2.0. With this new release series, GnuCash is available
> on Microsoft Windows for the first time, and it also runs on GNU/Linux,
> *BSD, Solaris and Mac OSX. This release is intended for developers and
> testers who want to help tracking down all those bugs that are still in
> there.
> WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used
> in testing versions of GnuCash in the 2.1.x series. Although the
> developers go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we
> cannot guarentee that your data will not be affected if for some reason
> GnuCash crashes in testing these releases.
> PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to
> you. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla
> Major changes in this release include;
>     * GnuCash has been ported to the Microsoft Windows OS.
>     * Improved Scheduled Transaction editor and management dialogs.
>     * Internally, the programming language wrappers are no longer being
>       generated by the not-so-well-maintained package "g-wrap" but
>       instead by the well-established wrapper generator "SWIG". In
>       effect, gnucash does no longer depend on g-wrap anymore but uses
>       SWIG now.
>     * New printing formats for check printing.
>     * GtkPrint integrated.
> *Caveats for Testers*
> Any 2.1.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime.
> If you test some serious work in a 2.1.x release, make sure you hit
> "Save" after ever non-trivial workstep.
> The documentation has had screenshots updated, however, many help texts
> usually only refers to the 1.8.x series. Everyone is invited to help
> improve the documentation; see
> on how to get involved.
> *How can you help?*
> Testing: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in
> there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla.
> Translating: The new release comes with some new translation strings. If
> you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test this
> release already. A string freeze will be announced in one of the later
> 2.1.x releases. Please check
> for updates on this.
> We would like to encourage people to test this and any further releases
> as much as possible and submit bug reports in order that we can polish
> GnuCash to be as stable as possible for the 2.2.0 release in a few
> weeks. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla
> <>
> *Getting GnuCash*
> GnuCash 2.0 can be downloaded from It is available as
> source code.
> To install GnuCash, users will need Gnome 2, guile, slib and g-wrap.
> *
> <>*
> * <>*
> *About the Program*
> GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU
> General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris
> and Mac OSX. It is collaboratively developed by 10 people from over 5
> countries.
> Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first stable release was
> in 1998.
> _______________________________________________
> gnucash-devel mailing list
> gnucash-devel at

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