Extra accounts in template-transactions

Mike Alexander mta at umich.edu
Fri Apr 20 15:10:58 EDT 2007

I was looking at my GnuCash file with a text editor recently and 
noticed something funny in the gnc:template-transactions section.  That 
element contains 47 account definitions that look like

<gnc:account version="2.0.0">
  <act:id type="guid">362ba4edc13db6a82a1ba60ab2aeac94</act:id>
  <act:parent type="guid">204857ffe8ee318428da4619d7b34498</act:parent>

The first of these has no parent and a spot check seems to imply that 
each of the rest has the previous one as a parent.

There are also 216 entries like

<gnc:account version="2.0.0">
  <act:id type="guid">de604373811d790c422b2c37c2c9fbec</act:id>
  <act:parent type="guid">855383817fe136d02ad8b911d1b0fb97</act:parent>

The parents of these seem to be the various ROOT accounts above.  Most 
of these BANK accounts seem to be unreferenced, but some of them are 
referenced in the transactions later in the template-transactions 

I have no idea when these appeared in the file, but they seem like they 
might be a mistake.  I have 6 scheduled transactions in the file, all 
of them very simple ones that just pay a bill with a fixed amount from 
either a checking or credit card account.

Mike Alexander           mta at umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI            PGP key ID: BEA343A6

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