gsoc code license

Josh Sled jsled at
Sat Aug 18 13:23:14 EDT 2007

ahmad sayed <ahmadsayed83 at> writes:
> Sorry Josh I might be not clear in my previous Email, the specific repository I mentioned in my Email, is the repository provided by Google itself.

No, as per that last link, there's no requirement to submit the code to the
Google SVN repository specifically, but only to provide a tarball containing
the changes that you've made via the Downloads area of the SoC webapp.  The
commands I gave against the gnucash repository should help you create that

> here is the license issue

I'm not quite sure what the "issue" is.  GnuCash is licensed under the GPL,
and as I understand it, you're contributing your changes under the GPL as
well.  So, there's no multiple-license issue.

> also here more details about the repository

    "All students will need to add a zipped tarball, which
    can include source files, a single .diff file, multiple
    .diff files, binary files, etc., to the Downloads
    section of the Google Summer of Code project."

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}
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