Questions about gnuCash backend access

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 24 16:24:20 EDT 2007

Quoting Daniel Espinosa <esodan at>:

> 2007/8/24, Samuel deHuszar Allen <dehuszar at>:
>> I am a Lotus Notes / web developer.  Have built a custom Notes app for
>> invoicing and billing and am wondering if there is a programmatic way to
>> create transactions and records in gnuCash.  If so, what languages/tools are
>> needed to talk to the program?   I am also curious how transactions are
>> stored internally.  XML?  Ideally, I would like to create a connection that
>> would allow either the Domino server, or a server agnostic webservice to
>> write and retrieve information from mobile devices/web forms.
> For thease reason and others in the mailing list (one about to have an
> applet), is realy important to allow simultaneous multiaccess to the
> GnuCash data.

Agreed.  We really need a viable multi-user backend for GnuCash.

> Allowing other apps to use a library to connect to the data for
> consult or modify, without need to run ANY GUI is one of the best
> solution. I think the use of a GDA based interface could be usefull,
> any could create powerfull (near to the standard SQL instructions)
> queries for insert, update or delete, using GdaQuery, connect to the
> database backend using GdaDict. This library *must* ensure the data
> integrity and, I think, works as a layer between the applications and
> GC's data.

I'll point out, YET AGAIN, that GDA is NOT necessary to solve this
problem.  One could just as easily write a new application against
the existing GnuCash APIs and create their own application that
doesn't use the standard GnuCash GUI.

Having said that, GnuCash does not currently have a supported
multi-user backend.  That WOULD be a requirement, so I encourage
you to help Phil Longstaff complete the GDA Backend in the gda-dev


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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