GnuCash 2.0.5 Release: Debian??

Richard Kleeman kleeman at
Mon Feb 19 16:04:21 EST 2007

OK thanks that is clear. Is there a reason Unstable has not updated for 
a considerable time? Is this the effect of the etch freeze or just that 
Thomas has been busy elsewhere?

Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2007 at 07:22:53PM +0100, Oliver König wrote:
>> hi chris,
>> Debian will update to the latest GnuCash when the next stable version after 
>> Etch is released. The release cycle from Woody to Sarge was 33 months and the 
>> release cycle from Sarge to Etch is not yet over but Etch will be released, I 
>> would guess, in april, that would be 23 months. so I would assume that you 
>> need to wait about 2 years if you want to install a Debian package. 
> Well, that's not true and rather disingenuous. The OP asked about
> testing not stable. 
> OP, testing/etch is in freeze right now. If you follow etch into
> stable, then you will probably not see an upgrade to anything higher
> than 2.02 until the next stable release comes out. If you stay in
> testing, instead of following etch, then you will see a new version
> probably sometime in april or may when etch moves stable and testing
> un-freezes. If you move up to sid/unstable then you could see a new
> version sooner than that, depending on when the maintainer uploads a
> new version. You'd have to ask Thomas Bushnell, the debian maintainer
> of gnucash, for more specific details. 
>> course, you can always install the latest GnuCash from source or Tarball ;-)
> this is, of course, very true (as if there are levels of truth...). 
> A
>> Regards,
>> Oliver
>> On Monday 19 February 2007 18:48:15 Richard Kleeman wrote:
>>> Anyone know when the Debian testing will update from 2.0.2??
>>> Chris Lyttle wrote:
>>>>     GnuCash 2.0.5 released
>>>> Personal and small business accounting in GNU/Linux will be easier and
>>>> better after today's release of GnuCash 2.0.5.
>>>> This release of the free, open source accounting program improves on the
>>>> generational advances in the last version. GnuCash 2.0 is based on
>>>> state-of-the-art gtk2 GUI technology. Developers worked hard to
>>>> integrate the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for a consistent
>>>> behaviour and look-and-feel for the whole Desktop.
>>>> Major changes in this release include;
>>>> o Fix some strings not being translated.
>>>> o Use guiles native sort and record.
>>>> o Adjust how payment dialog resizes.
>>>> o Don't abort when F::Q fails to return a quote.
>>>> o Change Russian Ruble from RUR to RUB.
>>>> o Fix security problem with tmp filesystem and symlink attack.
>>>> o Add French and Canadian French translation updates.
>>>> o Do not crash on delete_event in new user dialog.
>>>> o Add sanity checks when accessing GncPluginPage.
>>>> o Make new windows the same size as the active one.
>>>> o The New Turkish Lira changed from TRL to TRY in 2005.
>>>> The GnuCash development team said these new features and changes will
>>>> make GnuCash easier than ever for newcomers.
>>>> GnuCash is the leading free, open source accounting program and the leap
>>>> to gtk2 will enable users to be able to enjoy cutting edge functionality
>>>> with the freedom of not being locked into proprietory file formats.
>>>> *Playing With Others*
>>>> As with other leading GNU/Linux software that is designed to replace
>>>> proprietory programs, GnuCash is a functional replacement for expensive
>>>> accounting programs. Like and The Gimp, GnuCash is also
>>>> programmed to communicate and interact with as many existing programs,
>>>> institutions and people as possible.
>>>> The GnuCash development team has continued to improve file import
>>>> filters, which allow users to import work from old programs like
>>>> Microsoft Money and Quicken. GnuCash can load QIF and QFX files, which
>>>> are used by both of those programs.
>>>> Developers have also continued to incorporate support for online banking
>>>> into the program. GnuCash 2.0 supports OFX DirectConnect which can
>>>> directly retrieve and import account statements over the Internet.
>>>> Ths release is available in 29 languages, including English, French,
>>>> German, Spanish, Norwegian, so people from around the world will have no
>>>> difficulty operating the program
>>>> *Off on the Right Foot*
>>>> Users of GnuCash 2.0 will notice a few changes when they start the
>>>> program. Improvements have been made on startup speed, scheduled
>>>> transactions, currency support and currency quote retrievals.
>>>> After they enter the program, users will find a double-ledger account
>>>> system, exhaustive report options and account hierarchy tools. Also at
>>>> their disposal is a full system of tutorials and documentation.
>>>> *Getting GnuCash*
>>>> GnuCash 2.0 can be downloaded from It is available as
>>>> source code.
>>>> To install GnuCash, users will need Gnome 2, guile, slib and g-wrap.
>>>> *
>>>> <>*
>>>> * <>*
>>>> *About the Program*
>>>> GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU
>>>> General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris
>>>> and Mac OSX. It is collaboratively developed by 10 people from over 5
>>>> countries.
>>>> Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first stable release was
>>>> in 1998.
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