GnuCash 2.0.5 Release: Debian??

Richard Kleeman kleeman at
Mon Feb 19 18:28:41 EST 2007

Thanks for the clarification. I will wait patiently until etch lifts off ;-)


Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-02-19 at 12:48 -0500, Richard Kleeman wrote:
>> Anyone know when the Debian testing will update from 2.0.2??
> Currently Debian is in a freeze, preparing the next release of the
> entire system, codenamed "etch". 
> Testing now only has updates which meet stringent criteria for inclusion
> into the new release. If there are particular bug fixes which you think
> are sufficiently important to be pushed into etch, and which can be
> backported to 2.0.2, then please let me know by posting appropriate bugs
> with supporting information to the Debian BTS.
> The Release Managers have requested that maintainers not upload packages
> to unstable which are not ultimately destined for etch. This is not an
> ironclad rule, but it is a request that I intend to keep unless there is
> a particularly good reason for not doing so. If unstable gets a new
> non-etch-destined package, and then an etch-destined update must be
> made, it won't be able to be made into unstable, and so it will not get
> as much testing as we normally hope for before sliding into etch.
> There is also the "experimental" distribution, and it is possible to
> upload anything there without causing any trouble. I have not, however,
> had any requests to upload a more recent gnucash into experimental.
> Doing so takes some work for me and others, so if you would like it,
> please open an appropriate bug on the BTS explaining what particular
> advantages it would have for you.
> Thomas
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