
Karl Chen quarl at cs.berkeley.edu
Mon Feb 26 18:37:06 EST 2007

Good point; I didn't know about this concurrent editing process.
If there is a single global log I guess one could have the ability
to undo other's transactions after confirmation, though this would
be tricky and for now I would say only allow undo if no one else
has committed in the meantime.

>>>>> On 2007-02-23 08:53 PST, Peter Selinger writes:

    Peter> As I understand it, in a large GnuCash installation,
    Peter> multiple users could access the same backend
    Peter> database. The lock-edit-commit mechanism prevents
    Peter> conflicts.

    Peter> So what should be the default behavior of U2 and U3
    Peter> (undo or redo) if, for example, the transaction has
    Peter> meanwhile been edited by another user?

Karl 2007-02-26 15:35

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