python-gnucash (swig-ification against 2.0.1)

Mark Jenkins mark at
Thu Jan 18 10:21:52 EST 2007

Josh Sled wrote:
> It looks like someone created python bindings, using swig, against
> 1.9.8.

Hi, I'm the developer. The website is out of date. I have a newer
version in our apt repository that is built against 2.0.1

(Ubuntu users can use the repository with these lines
deb http://carrot:3142/ dapper/
deb-src http://carrot:3142/ dapper/

The code's in rough shape, which is why I've been holding off announcing
the existence of it here. I intend to whip this beast into a quality
public free software project this year... Going to host it on Savannah.

Mark Jenkins
ParIT Worker Co-operative

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