2.0.4 gives bus error on opening file saved in r15458

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sun Jan 28 19:49:56 EST 2007

It's a known issue that 2.0.x wont read the state file from r15458
and above (see the IRC logs from today).  There's a patch awaiting
backport that will let 2.0.5 read the new (spaceless) state files.

Blame it all on the glib folks.


Quoting David Reiser <dbreiser at earthlink.net>:

> I confirmed that Josh fixed the sx editor problem I was having, but
> when I went back to 2.0.4 with the same data file, I get a bus error.
> Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
> Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000
> Thread 0 Crashed:
> 0   libSystem.B.dylib             	0x90002b44 strcmp + 196
> 1   libgncmod-app-utils.0.dylib   	0x006c8afc gnc_find_state_file +
> 716 (file-utils.c:213)
> 2   libgncgnome.0.dylib           	0x003b6b94 gnc_restore_all_state +
> 260 (top-level.c:240)
> 3   libgncmod-engine.0.dylib      	0x002d2f48 call_c_hook + 152 (gnc-
> hooks.c:264)
> 4   libglib-2.0.0.dylib           	0x0299861c g_hook_list_marshal + 204
> 5   libgncmod-engine.0.dylib      	0x002d3098 gnc_hook_run + 216 (gnc-
> hooks.c:279)
> 6   libgncmod-gnome-utils.0.dylib 	0x01037144 gnc_post_file_open +
> 1172 (gnc-file.c:832)
> 7   gnucash-bin                   	0x000037e4 inner_main + 500
> (gnucash-bin.c:468)
> 8   libguile.12.dylib             	0x027ca0a8 scm_boot_guile + 120
> (init.c:617)
> 9   gnucash-bin                   	0x00003e04 main + 1428 (gnucash-
> bin.c:516)
> 10  gnucash-bin                   	0x000031fc _start + 760
> 11  gnucash-bin                   	0x00002f00 start + 48
> gnucash 2.0.4 will open with --nofile, but if I pick the data file
> saved from r15458, gnucash crashes.
> This particular file is one that has bone back and forth between
> 2.0.x and trunk many times. It probably still has bits and pieces
> leftover from a conversion from 1.8.10.
> Dave
> --
> David Reiser
> dbreiser at earthlink.net
> Mac 10.4.8 PPC, gcc 4.0.1
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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