Generic importer:QIF

warlord at MIT.EDU warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 22 14:49:20 EDT 2007



Quoting Chintan Agarwal <chintan.agarwal at>:

> The OFX importer is proving very useful in understanding how to write a qif
> importer with the  given requirements. There was another question I had.
> This pertains to the variable type Transaction which is required by the
> gnc_gen_trans_list_add_trans function in import-main-matcher.h. Due to the
> frequent occurrence of the word Transaction, I could not successfully find
> the definition of the data-type(=>Transaction data-type). If you could point
> me to the file that contains the same, I would figure out exactly what
> values in the datatype are relevant to QIF.
> Thanks.
> -Chintan
> On 6/22/07, Christian Stimming <stimming at> wrote:
>> Hi Chintan,
>> please remember to CC gnucash-devel on all replies.
>> Quoting Chintan Agarwal <chintan.agarwal at>:
>> > Thanks for the prompt reply. So importing from any format now
>> essentially
>> > involves parsing it and passing on the parsed object to the generic
>> > importer.
>> Yes, exactly.
>> > The front-end, of course has to be taken care of separately. I
>> > actually got confused when I saw import-parse.c in /src/import-export.
>> Does
>> > this actually parse all the formats(as it has to be generic)? I
>> understand
>> > the post parsing part, as all the formats are then on a common footing
>> and
>> > the same code can be used for mapping etc. However, I could not
>> understand
>> > the generic parser part.
>> I don't think the functions of import-parse.h are used anywhere at
>> all. Basically you can ignore that file. The mainly interesting parts
>> of the "generic importer" is in import-main-matcher.h; you probably
>> don't need much else than that.
>> > Also, if we have all the code generic( i.e. deals
>> > with all the various formats), what would be the difference between
>> various
>> > branches(OFX, HBCI, QIF etc.)?
>> Again, import-parse.h is currently unused. The different
>> sub-directories all create a Transaction* and pass it to the functions
>> in import-main-matcher.h.
>> > PS: I just hope I code enough to have bugs in them ;)
>> Heheh.
>> Christian
>> >
>> > On 6/22/07, Christian Stimming < stimming at> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Quoting Chintan Agarwal < chintan.agarwal at>:
>> >>
>> >>> Can the code in /src/import-export/import-backend.c and other files in
>> >> the
>> >>> same folder be used for mapping a parsed qif file? As far as I
>> >> understand,
>> >>> this is the generic framework that we want to use for all imports. Is
>> my
>> >>> understanding right?
>> >>
>> >> Yes, this is completely right.
>> >>
>> >> Also not that there are still a few bugs in the "generic importer"
>> >> (import-backend.c code)
>> >>
>> >> , but I'm quite confident those will get fixed over the next months.
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