I'd like to create an applet for gnucash

Thomas Bushnell BSG tb at becket.net
Mon Jun 25 14:52:31 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 12:31 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> But if gnucash was ALWAYS RUNNING, then what's the difference?  in
> other words, instead of:
>  1) Start gnucash
>  2) Wait for it to start
>  3) Enter a couple transactions
>  4) Save
>  5) Exit gnucash
>  6) Repeat from #1
> Why not:
>  1) Start gnucash (maybe as part of Gnome Session)
>  2) Wait for First Start (only at gnome session start).
>  3) Gnucash puts an icon in the application bar of the gnome panel
>  4) click on the gnucash icon and the app opens immediately
>  5) enter a couple transactions
>  6) save
>  7) "exit gnucash" (which really just hides it)
>  8) repeat from #4

(With just a note that number six here is currently disfavored by Gnome
and we should hope for a way that it stops being necessary, perhaps with
a Big Fancy Database or something.)

I think a UI decision should not be made on the basis of these
questions.  An applet is right if there is a good UI reason to want to
clickie on a panel widget for some reason. Or, alternatively, the
already running gnucash could insinuate itself in the notification area,
which would make sense if there were something to notify *about*, but I
can't think of anything.


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