undefined reference to gnome-utils functions
Andreas Köhler
andi5.py at gmx.net
Fri Mar 16 11:46:31 EDT 2007
Am Donnerstag, den 15.03.2007, 22:05 -0400 schrieb Nathan Buchanan:
> andi5,
> Thanks for your help on irc. I'm still having the same problems (even with
> the fixed path), so I think I'll try wiping out everything and re-install
> >from scratch.
Yeah, the PATH was not the problem, simply because install.sh should
itself adjust its environment to be effective in.
> The html help workspace did install, but gave me an error that I had a newer
> version installed already.
That is probably OK, because it says the same here. Did you install hh
to c:\soft\hh, BTW?
> It then told me that the install completed successfully and promptly crashed.
What did crash promptly... install.sh? What did it print and what then?
I guess you reran install.sh and it passed inst_hh this time. Well, the
tests for hh have been improved by r15727 (at least I hope so), so "svn
up" is your friend. Thanks so far and better luck this time :)
> Nathan
-- andi5
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