GnuCash 2.1.1 Released

Vladimir Weinstein weivsara at
Tue May 1 13:23:59 EDT 2007


In its infinite wisdom, bugzilla decided that I'm filing a bug  
against gnome-applets, so someone needs to go and assign it to  
gnucash maintainers.



On May 1, 2007, at 5:22 AM, Christian Stimming wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 1. Mai 2007 07:39 schrieb Vladimir Weinstein:
>> I actually don't think this properly describes what I'm seeing. I
>> have seen 341076 behavior before, but that would go out if I close
>> and reopen register.
>> Let me know if you want me to file a bug on this or if you need more
>> information.
> Ok, file a new bug, attach the screenshots there, and mention the  
> existing bug
> in the description. Maybe this behaviour is even reproducible with the
> example file at ;  
> that would
> be even better.
> Christian

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