2.1.2 Release delayed

Chris Lyttle chris at wilddev.net
Sun May 13 23:50:39 EDT 2007

Well due to things beyond my control I could not run the 2.1.2 build 
until this evening. Unfortunately I ran into 2 problems with it, first 
distcheck failed complaining that it couldn't find a file;
make[3]: Entering directory 
svn log -v --xml -r HEAD:15287 http://svn.gnucash.org/repo/gnucash | \
          xsltproc --stringparam strip-prefix "gnucash/trunk" \
          --stringparam include-rev "yes" ../macros/svn2cl.xsl - > ChangeLog
warning: failed to load external entity "../macros/svn2cl.xsl"
cannot parse ../macros/svn2cl.xsl
svn: Write error: Broken pipe
make[3]: *** [ChangeLog] Error 4

So then I ran just make check to see if it would get past the above;

rm -f missing notexist
srcdir=. ../intltool-update -m
mismatched quotes at line 104 in ../lib/libqof/qof/qofclass.h
mismatched quotes at line 105 in ../lib/libqof/qof/qofclass.h
mismatched quotes at line 130 in ../lib/libqof/backend/file/qsf-xml.h
mismatched quotes at line 162 in ../lib/libqof/backend/file/qsf-xml.h
mismatched quotes at line 265 in ../lib/libqof/backend/file/qsf-xml.h
The following files contain translations and are currently not in use. 
consider adding these to the POTFILES.in file, located in the po/ directory.


If some of these files are left out on purpose then please add them to
POTFILES.skip instead of POTFILES.in. A file 'missing' containing this list
of left out files has been written in the current directory.
if [ -r missing -o -r notexist ]; then \
          exit 1; \

So it would seem the po file updates and the update the changelog script 
were not checked properly to make sure they didnt break the check.

Let me know if this gets fixed and I'll see if I can push out a build 


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