GnuCash: 403 Forbidden

Josh Sled jsled at
Wed May 23 19:24:45 EDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 23:10 +0200, Sigmund Breuer wrote:
> I tried to download GnuCash for Windows. I can't find it here:

That directory only contains sources.

> Also, I want to download a stable version.

There is no stable release for Windows, yet.

> If trying to access I get a 403 
> error message.

Hmm.  Moments ago it was 404, and now it's "not redirecting properly".
In time, maybe Sourceforge will figure out how to be successful.

Try starting at <> and navigating
to the download link.  But it appears that there is no windows build of
the 2.1.2 release, yet, only 2.1.1.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}
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