missing documentation

Thomas Bushnell BSG tb at becket.net
Fri Jan 4 17:58:37 EST 2008

On Fri, 2008-01-04 at 17:31 -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> It's intuitively obvious what happens in these two cases.  ;)
> Seriously, a novice user shouldn't care about it, and if you want
> to do it you probably already know what it's for.

Actually, I haven't got a clue.

Does it just enter transactions from the statement?  Doesn't that make
reconciliation kind of pointless?

How does it know what the expense categories are for a given
transaction, or where the income came from?

I understand that there are other features that direct connect supports,
depending on your bank, where you can manipulate your accounts, though I
don't understand why that will be better than using my bank's existing
web interface.

Really, I just ain't got a clue.

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