GDA testing

Phil Longstaff plongstaff at
Mon Jan 14 08:54:45 EST 2008

Mark Johnson wrote:
> Using:  SVN 16836 gda-dev2 branch.
> Postgresql 8.2.6
> 1. start gnucash with --nofile option
> 2. open read-only copy of existing xml file.
I assume you mean this was with the "Open file" dialog.  Hmmm...  I'll 
look at this (see below).
> 3. At this point, the accounts window opens and NO accounts are 
> displayed.  If I understand Phil's post correctly, I should have had 
> accounts here, but with unreliable balance information.
The fact that there were no accounts combined with #7 below seem to 
indicate that it didn't load your existing xml file, but instead created 
a new sqlite file.

For clarifications, if you load from an xml file, the account balances 
should be correct.  If you load from a db, the balances may be 0.00.
> 4. I tried to save to a database using the File menu Database Connection 
> option.
> 5. I chose an existing connection (mergeant was happy with this 
> connection, so I believe it was valid).  I had previously created an 
> empty database in postgresql and a user to own it.  These were as 
> specified and tested in the connection.
> 6. At this point, tables were created.  No data were entered in to the 
> tables.  Possibly this is connected with #3 above.
> 7. I noticed that a file .gnucash/data/xxx.xac.db was created, where xxx 
> was the name (not the actual:) of my xml file.  I had not select 
> anything to cause it to use SQLite.  I did not investigate the contents 
> of this file.  However, it was less than one tenth the size of the 
> compressed xml file.  I do not believe that this file should have been 
> created.
> Mark Johnson
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