report-guid issue

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at
Tue Jan 15 11:49:23 EST 2008

A great opportunity for me to clarify this a bit.

On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 02:46:18PM +0100, Davide Imbeni wrote:

> svn
> version quite often, and I have recently started to get the following
> warning message at startup:
> "Your report system includes one or more reports without a proper
> report-guid field. This report may break without warning in future versions
> of GnuCash. Please review your saved reports file and update those

I suppose I should change the first line to refer to "custom" reports
as well. Derek has already effectively answered your question, but
this warning refers specifically to old custom reports that reference
their templates by name. It is possible that those report templates
could change names in the future causing that custom report to
fail. The introduction of the report-guid is designed to prevent that
from happening by internally referring to the report with a different
field that is unrelated to the name.

> Now, in .gnucash/books/MyAccounts I've found a number of report-guid
> entries, followed by long hex strings of the type
> SchemeOptions=(let ((options (gnc:report-template-new-options/report-guid
> "2fe3b9833af044abb929a88d5a59620f" "Transaction Report"))) ...
> one per each report tab I have (it's quite many)

that is what is written to the books file by the new code.

> All reports appear to have such entry, so I guess it might be so that the
> hex code is sometimes wrong.

nope. the code doesn't care what the guid is so long as it's unique. 

> I also wonder if this could be related to the " Crash in Accounts receivable
> report" and "gnucash crashes on open due to missing custom report"
> threads...

the first is a crash caused by still incomplete work on
report-guid. The second is an unrelated issue having to do with
options code failing when a report template is missing and that option
code bringing the whole app down. 

ONe more point to make. The issue of what to do with old saved reports
is still open. Its probably too much to ask the user to manually fix
this. We need to be able to either change the saved reports in place,
or migrate them all up to another saved-reports-2.x file and possibly
abandon the old ones. 

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