GDA testing

Mark Johnson mrj001 at
Wed Jan 16 23:30:47 EST 2008

Phil Longstaff wrote:
> Mark Johnson wrote:
>> Here is an excerpt (including the qof_session_load_backend) from the 
>> resulting gnucash.trace:
>> * 23:11:30  INFO <gnc.commodity> [gnc_commodity_table_insert] insert 
>> 0x84856e0 XAG into nsp=0x84567c0 CURRENCY
>> * 23:11:30  INFO <gnc.backend> [gnc_gda_check_sqlite_file] No '.db', 
>> doesn't exist (errno=2) -> GDA
>> * 23:11:30  INFO <qof.session> [qof_session_load_backend]  selected 
>> GnuCash LibGDA Backend
>> * 23:11:50  INFO <qof.session> [qof_session_begin] Done running 
>> session_begin on backend
>> * 23:11:50  INFO <gnc.gui> [gnc_post_file_open] 
>> logpath=/mnt/raid/home/mj/.gnucash/data/books_copy_2008-01-14.xac
>> * 23:11:50  INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountRecomputeBalance] acct= 
>> starting baln=0/1
>> * 23:11:50  INFO <gnc.commodity> [gnc_commodity_table_insert] insert 
>> 0x847eb10 AFA into nsp=0x8543f20 CURRENCY
> errno=2 is ENOENT which indicates file or directory not found.
That makes sense.  The sqlite file does not exist prior to the run.
>> To test if this is simply a problem with the display of the accounts 
>> tab, I tried a cash flow report.  Its options dialog (accounts tab) 
>> also showed an empty display of accounts.
>> To summarize, I am experiencing two problems:
>> 1. Reading an xml file automatically creates a sqlite file.  If I 
>> wanted to use the xml backend, this file should not be created.
>> 2. Reading an xml file fails to read (create in memory? / display) any 
>> accounts.
> except it's not finding your xml file.  Therefore, it's creating a blank 
> sqlite file with no accounts.  They are both from the same basic problem.
> When you normally start gnucash, do you start with --nofile and open 
> it?  
Normally, I run 2.2.3 and just let it open my only data file.  Very 
convenient.  My test system has had previous copies of gnucash installed 
for testing.  It's very likely that gconf has stored paths to some old 
files.  I used --no-file to have a definite start condition.

> Can you run another version of gnucash and open this file?  
This is a copy of my normal data file.  Version 2.2.3 opens the original 
just fine.  I do run 2.2.3 on a different system, used only for 
finance/banking.  I am running gnucash-gda on a test system.

> What is 
> /mnt/raid?  g_fopen() is not finding whatever file you are trying to 
> load, and I'm trying to figure out why.  
/mnt/raid is actually an NFS mount point on the system where I am 
running gnucash-gda.  This is the same as on the system where I run 
gnucash 2.2.3.  Both client systems are running linux kernel 2.6.22.

Gnucash-gda was built with the following configure:
./configure --enable-opt-style-install \
   --prefix=$HOME/gnucash-gda/gnucash.16866 \
   --enable-debug --enable-error-on-warning \
   --enable-gda \

Gnucash was built with the following configure:
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --disable-debug 

> Can you run gnucash-gda and 
> replace --nofile with the actual file, or with xml://<filename>?
> Phil
First try:
mj at ds9:~/gnucash-gda/gnucash.16866/bin$ ./gnucash --debug 
This opens the file successfully.  No Sqlite file is created by the open 
Here is the qof_session_load_backend portion of the gnucash-trace file:
* 21:15:50  INFO <gnc.commodity> [gnc_commodity_table_insert] insert 
0x843d6e8 XAG into nsp=0x8427260 CURRENCY
* 21:15:50  INFO <gnc.backend> [gnc_gda_check_sqlite_file] No '.db', 
exists -> not GDA
* 21:15:50  INFO <qof.session> [qof_session_load_backend]  GnuCash 
LibGDA Backend not usable
* 21:15:50  INFO <qof.session> [qof_session_load_backend]  selected 
GnuCash File Backend Version 2
* 21:15:50  INFO <qof.session> [qof_session_begin] Done running 
session_begin on backend
* 21:15:50  INFO <gnc.gui> [gnc_post_file_open] 
* 21:15:50  INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountRecomputeBalance] acct= 
starting baln=0/1
* 21:15:50  INFO <gnc.commodity> [gnc_commodity_table_insert] insert 
0x83e7820 AFA into nsp=0x84272c0 CURRENCY

Second try:
mj at ds9:~/gnucash-gda/gnucash.16866/bin$ ./gnucash --debug 
This opens the file successfully.  No Sqlite file is created by the open 
And the excerpt from this run's gnucash-trace:
* 21:19:30  INFO <gnc.commodity> [gnc_commodity_table_insert] insert 
0x84427d0 XAG into nsp=0x8416200 CURRENCY
* 21:19:30  INFO <qof.session> [qof_session_load_backend]  selected 
GnuCash File Backend Version 2
* 21:19:30  INFO <qof.session> [qof_session_begin] Done running 
session_begin on backend
* 21:19:30  INFO <gnc.gui> [gnc_post_file_open] 
* 21:19:30  INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountRecomputeBalance] acct= 
starting baln=0/1
* 21:19:30  INFO <gnc.commodity> [gnc_commodity_table_insert] insert 
0x842c7f0 AFA into nsp=0x8443820 CURRENCY

So starting with the file on the command line runs fine, but --no-file 
followed by the File Open dialog has problems.


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