Problems with configuring Subversion trunk

Janet Waugaman waugaman_janet at
Sun Jan 20 23:49:08 EST 2008

When trying to build the latest Subversion trunk, I get a configure error: "Found libgtkhtml-3.14, but goffice lacks a cairo renderer", and then later "Could not find a working gtkhtml version".  Apparently the configure script requires the header file gog-renderer-cairo.h, which my system lacks.

I'm running Fedora Core 7, with the following package versions:
goffice 0.2.2 (libgoffice-1)
guile 1.8.1
gtkhtml3 3.14.3
libgnomeprint22 2.18.0
libgnomeprintui22 2.18.0
g-wrap 1.9.9

I got the goffice-0.5.4.tar.bz2 file and built that, but it had no gog-renderer-cairo.h file either.  There is a gog-renderer.h.

How should I resolve this?

Thanks and Regards,

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