GDA: trouble with MySql

Nigel Titley nigel at
Wed Jan 30 05:48:58 EST 2008

Mark Johnson wrote:
> Phil,
> I wanted to try gnucash-gda with MySql.  I suspect the postgresql 
> provider of poor performance and wanted to see how the performance of 
> MySql compared. 
> I have created the db manually and tested the gda connection with 
> gnome-database-properties-3.0 successfully.
> I am using the latest svn of gda-dev2 and libgda-3.1.2.
> However, when I choose File->Database connection and select the MySql 
> database, I get two dialog boxes (one after the other) indicating that 
> the db (gda://@GnucashMySql) does not seem to exist and asking if I 
> would like to create it.  I choose yes each time, but nothing happens.  
> Afterwards, I connect to MySql and check the gnucash db; it still has  
> no tables.
I also get this behaviour, which stalled my testing of mysql. I was 
going to raise it once I got my tax return out of the way.


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