python bindings on ubuntu/debian

Mark Jenkins mark at
Mon Nov 24 12:05:34 EST 2008

> ok, then. Last question: is there any kind of schedule/idea of when
> the bindings will make it to a stable release 

Well, I've attached our 2.2 patch (in two forms, one big -p0 style
patch, python-bindings-all-2.2-2008-11-24 and 4 smaller -p1 style
patches, python-bindings-???), if the GnuCash developers want to commit
these they could.

But, I'm not really submitting these with the request that they go into
branches/2.2 yet, as I know we have a few api changes we're planning on
submitting (hello Jeff?) and I don't really feel it is sensible to make
api changes within a stable release series. Right now, you have to use
the C-ish level python api in a few places in order for some things to
work (go back and see the work workarounds and inconsistent style I had
to use in the ugly script I wrote for Rolf..). That's really awkward. We
really feel that everything should be do-able via the object oriented
python api; and a patch to fix the current deficiencies is on the way.
(again, hello Jeff?). After that I will consider our python-bindings to
be 2.2 worthy.

So, to answer your question, maybe in the next month....

And hmmm, with the same rational in mind (no api changes within a stable
release series), Jeff and I better get these changes done before a 2.4
branch is created from trunk.

> and from thence to
> distro packages?

With the attached patches you could keep up with changes your distro
makes and still get the benefit of the python bindings

$ apt-get src install gnucash
$ cd gnucash-?.?.?
( change debian/rules to include --enable-python-bindings)
$ patch -p0 < python-bindings-all-2.2-2008-11-24
$ debchange -i
(add a debian/changelog entry)
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us

This is helpful if ParIT goes away (not jinxing myself here!) and we no
longer build packages that work with your distro. Also helpful if you
don't want to use ParIT's binary builds, which include our own splash
screen (Total, shameless advertising!) The debian package building stuff
is nice, it checks that all build dependencies are already installed. As
you mention, it enforces run time dependencies too.

Another step to this being enabled in Debian is that the packaging must
be updated to separate out the python bindings into a distinct
architecture independent package (e.g. gnucash-python-bindings,
python-gnucash, gnucash-python...). This kind of thing is Debian policy
if I recall correctly.

I don't know if Thomas (debian package maintainer) is going to do that
or if he'll be busy and if someone else will have to volunteer. (I'll do
it eventually...)


cc Thomas Bushnell
cc Jeff
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