wishlist: speedentry

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 11 09:09:36 EDT 2008

And how does the transaction autofill not help here?
In your proposal you'd have to remember HOW to create the split --
where do you store the 25% amount?  What if you have different
percentages going on?

With the auto-fill, you open your checking account register (which 
is where you should start anyways) and all you need to do is type
the date, the description (which should match an older description
if you have the same txns all the time), and once you leave that
it will auto-fill in everyting else!  Then all you need to do is
edit the amount.

So... you're typing 3 things:  date, desc, amount.  This seems
to be as little work as what you're talking about, and you can
do it today in the current interface.


"Sven Karlsson" <karlesven at gmail.com> writes:

> Folks,
> Most transactions deal with the main checking account with incoming
> and outgoing payments. They usually concern the checking account,
> tax account and the account to debit/credit.
> Therefore, I propose a "speedentry" mechanism. From the user perspective,
> you would only need to enter the change in balance on the checking account,
> (for example 432.50 or -32.90) and what account to debit/credit. Gnucash
> would then automatically use the correct credit/debit side based on
> the +/- sign,
> and calculate the percent taxes.
> Gnucash would then create a transaction according to the following algorithm:
> If amount is positive:
> .  this is an incoming payment, so debit the checking account
> .  credit the outgoing tax account (by a configurable percent)
> .  credit the user-specified account
> If amount is negative:
> .  there is a debt payed, so credit the checking account
> .  debit the incoming tax account (by a configurable percent)
> .  debit the user-specified account
> "date" and "num" should also be automatically entered.
> The transaction should then be presented in entierity for approval by the user.
> I think this could be a very useful addition, and speed up bookkeeping as
> most transactions (atleast mine :) ) are standard in/out payments with
> a 25% tax and an account to debit on.
> I dont know enough programming to implement this myself, but maybe
> someone on the list would be interested?
> Or maybe there already is some similar function?
> Best regards
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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