Patch for AqBanking Windows bug 586122

Christian Stimming stimming at
Fri Dec 11 15:18:30 EST 2009

Am Freitag, 11. Dezember 2009 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> Ok, I have applied the patch. Does the nightly build automatically pick up
> changes in the build scripts ?

No, indeed it doesn't pick up changes in the build script. There's one 
technical issue: On windows a program or shell script calling "svn up" cannot 
have itself updated, because the "svn up" command has no write access to the 
file as long as the bash interpreter has it opened.

But I have just logged into the vmware machine and have updated that directory 
so that your changes are now active.

> Also, are the build logs public ? If so, I could check tomorrow if there
>  were errors.



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