Gnucash website translations at at
Sat Feb 21 07:20:35 EST 2009


> The GnuCash team needs your expertise. Several of the translations of
> our main web page ( are either badly out of
> date or completely missing.

Please find attached some updates to the French translation.

-------------- next part --------------
# French translation of gnucash-htdocs.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# jsled <jsled at>, 2006.
# Quelques propositions de traductions :
# - checkbook: livre de compte
# - register: livre
# - transaction: op?ration (?viter transaction ?)
# - general ledger: grand livre
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnucash-htdocs\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-02-21 11:53+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-02-21 13:17+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: jsled <jsled at>\n"
"Language-Team: French <gnomefr at>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: features.phtml:22
msgid "Checkbook-Style Register"
msgstr "Registre livre de compte"

#: features.phtml:26
msgid ""
"The checkbook-style register provides a custom, convenient and familiar "
"interface to entering financial transactions.   The register supports common "
"checking and credit-card transactions, as well as income, stock and currency "
msgstr "Le registre livre de compte fournit une interface intuitive, pratique et famil?re pour inscrire des op?rations financi?res. Il supporte des op?rations habituelles de compte ch?que ou de carte de cr?dit, de m?me que des op?rations de revenus, de bourse ou de devises."

#: features.phtml:30
msgid "Double Entry"
msgstr "Comptabilit? en partie double"

#: features.phtml:32
msgid ""
"Every transaction must debit one account and credit others by an equal "
"amount. This ensures that the \"books balance\": that the difference between "
"income and outflow exactly equals the sum of all assets and equity."
msgstr ""
"Chaque transaction doit d?biter un compte et en cr?diter un autre. Ceci "
"permet de maintenir un ?quilibre entres les rentr?es et sorties d'argent et "
"la somme des actifs et des capitaux propres."

#: features.phtml:36 index.phtml:24
msgid "Reports, Graphs"
msgstr "Rapports et graphiques"

#: features.phtml:39
msgid ""
"GnuCash has an integrated reporting and graphing module, and comes complete "
"with a full suite of standard and customizeable reports, such as Balance "
"Sheet, Profit &amp; Loss, Portfolio Valuation, and many others."
msgstr "Gnucash int?gre un module de g?n?ration de rapports et de graphiques incluant de nombreux rapports pr?d?finis standards et adaptables tel qu'un Bilan, un Compte de R?sultat, une ?valuation de portefeuille, etc."

#: features.phtml:43
msgid "Income/Expense Account Types"
msgstr "Comptes de revenus/d?penses"

#: features.phtml:44
msgid ""
"Income/Expense Account Types (Categories) allow you to categorize your cash "
"flow.  When used properly with the double-entry feature and equity accounts, "
"these enable you to generate reports, such as Profit &amp; Loss, that plain-"
"vanilla systems cannot handle."
msgstr "Les cat?gories de compte de Revenus/D?penses  vous permettent de cat?goriser vos flux financiers. Lorsqu'utilis?s correctement avec la fonction de double entr?e et les comptes de capitaux propres, ceux-ci vous permettent de produire des rapports sur vos pertes et profits que les syst?mes classiques n'auraient pu g?n?rer."

#: features.phtml:48
msgid "Multiple Currencies"
msgstr "Devises Multiples"

#: features.phtml:49
msgid ""
"Different accounts can be denominated in different currencies. Currency "
"movements between accounts are fully balanced when double-entry is enabled."
msgstr "Diff?rents comptes peuvent ?tre d?nomm?s dans diff?rentes devises. Les transferts de devise entre les comptes sont enti?rement ?quilibr?s quand l'option de comptabilit? en partie double est activ?e."

#: features.phtml:53
msgid "Stock/Mutual Fund Portfolios"
msgstr "Portefeuilles d'actions ou fonds mutuels"

#: features.phtml:54
msgid ""
"Track stocks individually (one per account) or in portfolio of accounts (a "
"group of accounts that can be displayed together)."
msgstr "Suivi d'actions individuelles (une par compte) ou dans un portefeuille de compte (un groupe de compte affich? ensemble)."

#: features.phtml:57
msgid "Small Business Accounting Features"
msgstr "Fonctionnalit?s comptables pour petites entreprises"

#: features.phtml:59
msgid ""
"Simplify managing a small business with Customer and Vendor tracking, "
"Invoicing and Bill Payment, and Tax and Billing Terms."
msgstr "Simplifie la gestion d'une petite entreprise incluant le suivi des clients et des commerciaux, l'?mission et le r?glement des factures, et les ?ch?ances fiscales et de factures."

#: features.phtml:62
msgid "QIF Import"
msgstr "Importation de fichier QIF"

#: features.phtml:63
msgid ""
"Intuit<sup>&reg;</sup> Quicken<sup>&reg;</sup> QIF files can be imported, "
"and are automatically merged to eliminate duplicate transactions."
msgstr "Les fichiers Intuit<sup>&reg;</sup> Quicken<sup>&reg;</sup> QIF peuvent ?tre import?s, et sont automatiquement fusionn?s pour ?liminer les transactions doubles."

#: features.phtml:66
msgid "OFX Import"
msgstr "Importation OFX"

#: features.phtml:67
msgid ""
"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the Open Financial "
"Exchange protocol that many banks and financial services are starting to use."
msgstr "Gnucash est le premier logiciel libre ? supporter le format d'?change ouvert de donn?es financi?res (OFX) utilis? par de nombreuse banques et institutions financi?res."

#: features.phtml:70
msgid "HBCI Support"
msgstr "Support du protocole HBCI"

#: features.phtml:71
msgid ""
"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
"Banking Computer Information protocol, allowing German users to perform "
"statement download and initiate bank transfers and direct debits."
msgstr "GnuCash est le premier logiciel libre ? supporter le format allemand HBCI (Home Banking Computer Information), permettant ? ses utilisateurs de d?biter ou de virer des sommes directement de leur compte bancaire."

#: features.phtml:74
msgid "Improved Import Transaction Matching"
msgstr "Am?liorations de la R?conciliation de Transactions Import?es"

#: features.phtml:75
msgid ""
"The development of OFX and HBCI support has also resulted in an improved "
"transaction matching system that more accurately recognizes duplicate "
"transactions during file import."
msgstr "Le d?veloppement du support OFX et HBCI a permis une am?lioration de la pr?cision du m?canisme de d?tection des doublons dans les op?rations financi?res enregistr?es."

#: features.phtml:78
msgid "Statement Reconciliation"
msgstr "R?conciliation"

#: features.phtml:79
msgid ""
"A reconcile window with running reconciled and cleared balances makes "
"balancing against bank statements easy."
msgstr "Une fen?tre de r?conciliation avec les op?rations en cours et valid?es rend l'op?ration facile."

#: features.phtml:82
msgid "Localization"
msgstr "Localisation"

#: features.phtml:83
msgid ""
"Handles internationalized dates and currencies.  The Gnucash menus and "
"popups have been translated to 21 languages, including Chinese, Danish, "
"French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, "
"Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and British English. "
"Documentation is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish."
msgstr "Support des formats de dates et devises internationalis?es. Les menus et les dialogues de Gnucash ont ?t? traduits en 21 langues, y compris le chinois, le danois, le fran?ais, l'allemand, le hongrois, l'italien, le japonais, le norv?gien, le polonais, le portugais, le russe, l'espagnol, le su?dois, le turc, l'ukrainiens, et l'anglais britannique. La documentation est disponible en anglais, en fran?ais, en portugais et en espagnol. "

#: features.phtml:86
msgid "Transaction Finder"
msgstr "Recherche de transaction"

#: features.phtml:89
msgid ""
"A powerful transaction query dialogue can help you quickly locate a needle "
"in a haystack."
msgstr "Un dialogue de recherche d'op?rations vous aide ? localiser rapidement une aiguille dans une meule de foin."

#: features.phtml:92
msgid "General Ledger"
msgstr "Grand livre"

#: features.phtml:93
msgid ""
"Multiple accounts can be displayed in one register window at the same time. "
"This can ease the trouble of tracking down typing/entry errors. It also "
"provides a convenient way of viewing a portfolio of many stocks, by showing "
"all transactions in that portfolio."
msgstr "Plusieurs comptes peuvent ?tre affich?s en m?me temps dans une fen?tre de registre. Ceci peut soulager les probl?mes de d?pistage des erreurs de frappes/saisie. Il fournit ?galement une mani?re commode de consulter un portefeuille contenant beaucoup d'actions, en montrant toutes les transactions de ce portefeuille. "

#: features.phtml:96
msgid "Online Stock &amp; Mutual Fund Quotes"
msgstr "R?cup?ration en ligne des cours d'actions et de fonds"

#: features.phtml:97
msgid ""
"Get Stock &amp; Mutual Fund quotes from various web sites, update portfolio "
"automatically. Additional pricing sources are added regularly."
msgstr "R?cup?ration des cours d'action et de fonds ? partir de divers sources en lignes, mise ? jour automatique du portefeuille. De nouvelles sources sont ajout?es r?guli?rement."

#: features.phtml:100
msgid "Check Printing"
msgstr "Impression de ch?ques"

#: features.phtml:101
msgid ""
"Checks may be printed in standard formats on common check stocks. A "
"customization GUI allows custom check layouts to be developed."
msgstr "Les ch?ques peuvent ?tre imprim?s dans des formats standards. Une personnalisation de l'interface utilisateur permet de d?velopper des mod?les de ch?ques personnalis?es."

#: features.phtml:105 index.phtml:25
msgid "Scheduled Transactions"
msgstr "Op?rations planifi?es"

#: features.phtml:106
msgid ""
"You can now create recurring transactions, including automatic reminders "
"when a transaction is due, the ability to postpone a scheduled transaction "
"without canceling it, and the ability to specify only a limited number of "
msgstr "Vous pouvez cr?er des op?rations r?currentes, y compris des rappels automatiques quand une transaction est due, reporter une op?ration sans l'annuler et pr?ciser un nombre limit? d'op?rations."

#: features.phtml:109
msgid "Mortgage &amp; Loan Repayment Druid"
msgstr "Assistant d'hypoth?que &amp; de remboursement de pr?t"

#: features.phtml:110
msgid ""
"A guided dialogue for setting up loan payments as scheduled transactions."
msgstr ""
"Un assistant vous guide pour mettre en place des remboursements de pr?t "

#: features.phtml:115
msgid "New User Manual and Help"
msgstr "Un nouveau manuel d'utilisateur et une rubrique d'aide"

#: features.phtml:116
msgid ""
"A new help subsystem that focuses on how to do tasks is now available, in "
"addition to a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user background "
"information on accounting principles and how they are reflected in GnuCash."
msgstr "Un nouveau sous-syst?me d'aide qui se concentre sur comment ex?cuter diff?rentes actions est disponible, en plus d'un tutoriel et d'un guide de concepts qui fournit ? l'utilisateur les informations de base sur les r?gles de comptabilit? et comment elles sont g?r?es par GnuCash."

#: sizing.phtml:14
msgid ""
"It can often be quite interesting to study the source code metrics behind a "
"software development project.   Not a surprising interest: its accounting "
"afterall.  GnuCash has grown, over the years, from a small handy electronic "
"checkbook to a rather large and multi-featured desktop app."
msgstr "Il est souvent int?ressant de mesurer l'?volution du code source d'un projet de d?veloppement logiciel... apr?s tout, c'est de la comptabilit?. Gnucash s'est largement d?velopp? au cours des ann?es, partant d'un pratique ch?quier ?lectronique pour devenir une grosse application bureautique avec de nombreuses fonctionnalit?s."

#: sizing.phtml:17
msgid ""
"GnuCash currently consists of over a third of a million lines of code spread "
"over more than a thousand files.  It has been translated into twenty-three "
"languages and credits over 139 authors and contributors."
msgstr "Gnucash d?passe 300,000 lignes de code et un millier de fichiers. Il est traduit dans 23 langues et mentionne 139 auteurs et contributeurs."

#: sizing.phtml:23
msgid ""
"If you've had trouble swimming through that mass of source code, think of it "
"this way: printed out on paper, and bound into volumes, it would amount to "
"several dozen copies of Tolstoy's \"War and Peace\", roughly a bookshelf-"
"width's worth of source code."
msgstr "Si vous nagez un peu dans les sources, prennez le comme ?a : imprim? sur papier et relier, ils repr?sentent plusieurs douzaines d'exemplaires de Guerre et Paix de Tolstoy... une rang?e d'?tag?re pleine."

#: sizing.phtml:26
msgid ""
"Mind you, this is source code (and docs) crafted and debugged by actual "
"humans, this is *not* autogenerated code.  Tools (such as glade or g-wrap) "
"can generate gaziilions of lines of code automatically; I'm not counting "
"those.  Every last line counted here was typed in, edited, indented, "
"tweaked, multiple times, by human hands."
msgstr "Attention il s'agit bien des sources du code et de la documentation, cr??es et corrig?es par des humains, ce n'est pas du code g?n?r? automatiquement."

#: sizing.phtml:29
msgid ""
"Given that we have about 400 outstanding bugs in bugzilla, that works out to "
"about one bug per thousand lines of code, or one bug per 50 pages of "
"printout.  This bug count is actually not atypical for software projects; "
"its near the norm."
msgstr "Compte tenu qu'il y a environ 400 anomalies en attente list?s, cela fait un bogue toutes les 1000 lignes de code, un chiffre tout ? fait dans la norme."

#: sizing.phtml:32
msgid ""
"The table below shows some historical lines-of-code and number-of-files "
"metrics for the GnuCash development project.  Note that not all of the code "
"is counted: for instance, the Makefiles and and are "
"not counted. Also, files that are automatically generated are not counted, "
"nor are files that have been 'borrowed' from other projects. Also not "
"counted are experimental files, miscellaneous perl scripts, various "
"converters, addons and utilities.  Finally, <tt>glade</tt> files are not "
"counted, although large parts of the overall GUI are described in <tt>glade</"
"tt> files."
msgstr "La tableau ci-apr?s montre la progression de la taille du code et du nombre de fichiers qui constituent Gnucash. Certains fichiers annexes, emprunt?s ? d'autres projets, ou g?n?r?s automatiquement, ne sont pas compt?s."

#: sizing.phtml:35
msgid ""
"Note also that KLOC's are not a good metric of programmer productivity, nor "
"even that <code>wc</code> is a good way of counting KLOC's.  Much better "
"measures are complexity metrics, which, for example, count the number and "
"size of if-then-else blocks, or the number and size of all blocks, or the "
"number of math operators per statement.  Maybe someday we'll run one of "
"those tools on this code. For now, this is what we have.  On the other hand, "
"we've attempted to count only those files that contain human-edited code, "
"that is, files that are directly edited by humans.  The point of doing this "
"is to avoid artificially inflating the KLOC counts by counting automatically "
"generated code (which is why the glade files are not counted: they are large "
"and automatically generated)."
msgstr "Attention, le KLOC (kilo de ligne de code:-) n'est pas une bonne mesure de la productivit? des d?veloppeurs, mais il est facile ? mesurer avec <code>wc</code>. Il existe de meilleurs mesures qui seront peut-?tre, un jour, mises en oeuvre. En cas de d?soeuvrement d'un d?veloppeur. Sait-on jamais. De plus, ne sont compt?es que les lignes ?dit?es manuellement, pas les codes g?n?r?s automatiquement par certains outils."

#: sizing.phtml:39
msgid "Table 1.  Historical Development Stats"
msgstr "Table 1.  Statistiques sur les d?veloppements ant?rieurs"

#: sizing.phtml:43
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Version"

#: sizing.phtml:44 sizing.phtml:330
msgid "engine"
msgstr "moteur"

#: sizing.phtml:45 sizing.phtml:334
msgid "backend"
msgstr "stockage"

#: sizing.phtml:46 sizing.phtml:338
msgid "register"
msgstr "livre"

#: sizing.phtml:47
msgid "ledger"
msgstr "grand livre"

#: sizing.phtml:48 sizing.phtml:346
msgid "motif"
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:49 sizing.phtml:350
msgid "gnome"
msgstr "gnome"

#: sizing.phtml:50 sizing.phtml:355
msgid "misc app"
msgstr "divers"

#: sizing.phtml:51 sizing.phtml:360
msgid "import export"
msgstr "import export"

#: sizing.phtml:52 sizing.phtml:365
msgid "reports"
msgstr "rapports"

#: sizing.phtml:53
# attention, scheme d?signe le langage de programmation
msgid "scheme (misc)"
msgstr "scheme (divers)"

#: sizing.phtml:54
msgid "business"
msgstr "commerce"

#: sizing.phtml:55 sizing.phtml:380
msgid "test"
msgstr "test"

#: sizing.phtml:56
msgid "user docs"
msgstr "docs utilisateurs"

#: sizing.phtml:57 sizing.phtml:390
msgid "internal txt"
msgstr "txt interne"

#: sizing.phtml:58
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"

#: sizing.phtml:59 sizing.phtml:395
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Langues"

#: sizing.phtml:60 sizing.phtml:400
msgid "Author Credits"
msgstr "Auteurs"

#: sizing.phtml:319
msgid "Each cell displays the following:"
msgstr "Chaque cellule contient l'information suivante:"

#: sizing.phtml:321
msgid ""
"number of *c and *.h and *.scm files (KLOCS in *.c + KLOCS in *.h + KLOCS in "
"*.scm).  If there are no *.scm files in the directory, then only (KLOCS in *."
"c + KLOCS in *.h) are displayed.  If there is only one number in the "
"parenthesis, it is the approriate KLOC count for that statistic."
msgstr "Compte des fichiers *.c *.h *.scm."

#: sizing.phtml:324
msgid ""
"where KLOC == kilo-lines-of-code, as reported by <code>wc</code>. As noted "
"above, wc is not a terribly good code metric, but its what we have handy."
msgstr "KLOC = Kilo de ligne de code, le kilo ?tant ? 1000. Comme d?j? not?, ?a vaut ce que ?a vaut."

#: sizing.phtml:327
msgid "Table Column Legend"
msgstr "L?gende des titres des colonnes du tableau"

#: sizing.phtml:331
msgid ""
"Contents of the src/engine and the include directories. The engine was split "
"out from the motif code in version 1.1. The data storage backend (file-io, "
"sql) was split out in the course of version 1.5"
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:335
msgid ""
"Contents of the src/backend directory (version 1.7 and later) or of src/"
"engine/file, src/engine/sql (version 1.6 and earlier)"
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:339
msgid ""
"Contents of the src/register directory (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
"register/register-core (version 1.7 and later).  The register was split out "
"as a separate component from the motif code in version 1.1. As can be seen "
"from the stats, the register code has been fairly stable. At version 1.7 and "
"later, this cell shows a second count: the number of lines of code in src/"
"register/register-gnome (previously counted as part of gnome)"
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:343
msgid ""
"*.c, *.h files in the src directory only (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
"register/ledger-core (version 1.7 and later)"
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:347
msgid ""
"Contents of the src/motif directory (version 1.2 and earlier).  The motif "
"version of the code was discontinued after version 1.2, after most of the "
"non-gui code was moved to either the engine, the register or the ledger."
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:351
msgid ""
"Contents of src/gnome plus src/register/gnome (version 1.6 and earlier). For "
"version 1.7 and later, this consists of src/gnome, src/gnome-search and src/"
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:356
msgid ""
"Contents of miscellanous application-related directories (version 1.7 and "
"later): src/app-file, src/app-utils, src/calculation, src/core-utils, src/"
"gnc-module, src/network-utils, src/tax/us"
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:361
msgid ""
"Code to import and export various file formats: contents of the src/import-"
"export directory."
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:366
msgid ""
"Code to generate reports and graphs: contents of the src/reports directory."
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:370
msgid "scheme"
msgstr "scheme"

#: sizing.phtml:371
msgid ""
"scheme and guile code in directories src/scm plus src/guile (version 1.6 and "
"earlier). In version 1.7 and later, much of this code went into reports, "
"import/export, and into indiovidual modules; thus only miscellaneous code "
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:376
msgid ""
"Code to add small-business features: contents of the src/business directory."
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:381
msgid ""
"Code to peform automated regression tests: contents of the src/*/test "
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:385
msgid "docs"
msgstr "docs"

#: sizing.phtml:386
msgid ""
"English-language-only user documentation, including on-line help and manual "
"(html, sgml or xml). For version 1.8.4 and later, the number below the bar "
"counts the translated, non-english docs (currently de, es, fr, pt_PT).  Both "
"of these numbers are somewhat hard to count, because of fairly large format "
"churns, and multiple competing versions."
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:391
msgid ""
"The number of design documents and README files aimed at developers. This "
"includes *.txt files, *.texinfo files and README.* files in all "
"subdirectories.  For version 1.7 and later, only those in the src "
"subdirectory are counted (leaving out some half-dozen scattered elsewhere)"
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:396
msgid ""
"The number of languages that the application messages have been translated "
"to (the number of <tt>po/*.po</tt> files). In parenthesis, the number of "
"messages in the message files (<tt>grep msgstr po/*.po |wc</tt>), in "
msgstr ""

#: sizing.phtml:401
msgid ""
"The number of people credited in the AUTHORS file (version 1.6 and later) or "
"the README file (earlier versions).  These include lead developers, patch "
"submitters and national-language translators.  This includes additional "
"credits listed in the gnucash-docs/AUTHORS file that are not listed in the "
"main gnucash/AUTHORS file."
msgstr ""

#: oldnews.phtml:2 index.phtml:3
msgid "Free Accounting Software"
msgstr "Logiciel Libre de finances personnelles"

#: oldnews.phtml:11
msgid "Older Announcements"
msgstr "Anciennes annonces"

#: oldnews.phtml:14
msgid ""
"This is an archive of announcements that once appeared on the GnuCash home "
msgstr "Archive des annonces apparues sur la page de GnuCash."

#: docs.phtml:11
msgid "GnuCash Documentation Project"
msgstr "Projet de documentation de GnuCash"

#: docs.phtml:13
msgid ""
"This page is the home of the Gnucash Documentation Project, our goal is to "
"maintain a community of people working towards creation of high quality "
"documentation for GnuCash."
msgstr "Cette page est consacr?e au projet ed documentation de GnuCash. Notre objectif est de maintenir une communaut? d?di?e ? la cr?ation d'une documentation de qualit? sur GnuCash."

#: docs.phtml:15
msgid ""
"Everything you need concerning GnuCash documentation should be here, if you "
"notice something missing, email <a href='mailto:gnucash-devel at lists.gnucash."
"org'>gnucash-devel</a> and we will add it."
msgstr ""
"Toute la documentation de GnuCash dont vous pourriez avoir besoin se trouve "
"ici. Si vous remarquez des lacunes, ?crivez nous ?: <a?href='mailto:gnucash-"
"devel at'>gnucash-devel</a>?et nous ajouterons l'information "

#: docs.phtml:17 docs.phtml:23
msgid "Nightly Documentation Builds"
msgstr "Derni?re documentation disponible"

#: docs.phtml:18
msgid "current unstable user documentation and developer documentation"
msgstr "documentation utilisateur et d?veloppeur de la version en cours de d?veloppement"

#: docs.phtml:20
msgid ""
"Every night a server builds the documentation from the current contents of "
"the GnuCash subversion repository.  This includes the Developer "
"Documentation from Doxygen and User Documentation for the current unstable "
"version of GnuCash."
msgstr "Les documentations sont reconstruites quotidiennement ? partir des donn?es ? jour dans le d?p?t des sources."

#: docs.phtml:25 docs.phtml:47 docs.phtml:78
msgid "Concepts Guide"
msgstr "Guide des concepts"

#: docs.phtml:26 docs.phtml:39 docs.phtml:73
msgid "Help Manual"
msgstr "Manuel d'Aide"

#: docs.phtml:27
msgid "Doxygen Developer Documentation"
msgstr "Informations pour d?veloppeur"

#: docs.phtml:32
msgid "GnuCash v2.0 (current stable release)"
msgstr "GnuCash v2.0 (derni?re version stable)"

#: docs.phtml:34
msgid ""
"If you have a question about how to use GnuCash, you are in the right place. "
"The first thing you should do is read the Help Manual and the Concepts "
"Guide, most of your questions can probably be answered by these documents."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez des questions sur l'utilisation de GnuCash, vous ?tes au bon "
"endroit.Vous devriez d'abord lire le Manuel d'Aide et le Guide de Concepts. "
"La majorit? de vos questions y-sont probablement r?pondue."

#: docs.phtml:35
msgid ""
"The Help Manual is designed to be a quick reference of how to accomplish "
"specific tasks and how to use the features in GnuCash. The Concepts Guide is "
"designed to be an in depth guide to the concepts behind using GnuCash with a "
"tutorial to show how to put those concepts into practice."
msgstr ""
"Le Manuel d'Aide traite bri?vement les fonctionnalit?s principale de GnuCash "
"et comment les utiliser. Le Guide de Concept est une ressource beaucoup plus "
"approfondie qui offre des le?ons sur chacun des concepts de la comptabilit? "
"par l'entremise de tutoriels."

#: docs.phtml:41 docs.phtml:43 docs.phtml:49 docs.phtml:50 docs.phtml:74
#: docs.phtml:76 docs.phtml:79 docs.phtml:80 docs.phtml:84
msgid "English"
msgstr "Anglais"

#: docs.phtml:42 docs.phtml:75 docs.phtml:85
msgid "Deutsch"
msgstr "Allemand"

#: docs.phtml:55
msgid ""
"Please send an email to the <a href='mailto:gnucash-user at lists.gnucash."
"org'>gnucash-user</a> mailing list if you cannot find a satisfactory answer "
"to your question within either the Help Manual or the Concepts Guide. We "
"<b>want</b> feedback from you, it is only through your comments that we know "
"how to modify the documentation."
msgstr "Merci d'envoyer vos questions ? la liste de diffusion <a href='mailto:gnucash-user at'>gnucash-user</a>, si vous ne parvenez pas ? trouver de r?ponse dans le Manuel, le Guide des concepts, la FAQ, le Wiki... C'est avec vos remarques constructives et vos retours que nous pouvons savoir comment am?liorer la documentaiton."

#: docs.phtml:56
msgid ""
"Additionally, you can talk to someone via IRC at channel "
"\"#gnucash\" about your question.  Another resource is the <a href='http://"
"'>English</a> or <a href='"
"GnuCash'>Deutsch</a> GnuCash wikis. A wiki is an interactive website where "
"registered users can ask and answer questions."
msgstr "Il existe des flux de discussions et des wikis d?di?s pour les anglophones ou germanophones."

#: docs.phtml:58
msgid ""
"Some people have written HOWTO guides or tutorials. Note: the information "
"presented in these sources may or may not be updated to the most recent "
"version of GnuCash. If you are interested in doing development work on these "
"documents, you should contact the original authors."
msgstr "Il existe des HOWTO (comment faire) et des tutoriaux, plus ou moins ? jour selon la langue. Voir avec l'auteur du document."

#: docs.phtml:60
msgid "Neil Williams GnuCash documentation"
msgstr "Documentation GnuCash de Neil Williams"

#: docs.phtml:61
msgid "GnuCash for Business Users"
msgstr "GnuCash pour Entreprises"

#: docs.phtml:62
msgid "mirror"
msgstr "site miroir"

#: docs.phtml:64
msgid "Joe Mack's Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutoriel de Joe Mack"

#: docs.phtml:66
msgid "Dave Gilbert's User Guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Guide de l'utilisateur (PDF) par Dave Gilbert"

#: docs.phtml:69
msgid "Older GnuCash Documentation"
msgstr "Ancienne documentation GnuCash"

#: docs.phtml:70
msgid ""
"This section contains all the older GnuCash documentation. If you are using "
"one of these old versions of GnuCash, it is highly recommended that you "
"upgrade to the latest stable version."
msgstr "Cette partie contient les vieilles documentation, pour les vieilles versions de GnuCash. Nous vous conseillons plut?t de mettre ? jour votre version..."

#: docs.phtml:86
msgid "Espagnol"
msgstr "Espagnol"

#: docs.phtml:87
msgid "Portugu&ecirc;s"
msgstr "Portuguais"

#: docs.phtml:90
msgid "Documentation Development"
msgstr "Developpement de la documentation"

#: docs.phtml:92
msgid "Interesting Links"
msgstr "Liens d'int?r?t"

#: docs.phtml:93
msgid ""
"The following links are for further sites that can help with the "
"documentation and review process."
msgstr "Les liens suivants pointent vers des sites qui peuvent aider."

#: docs.phtml:100
msgid "For both reviewers and documentation writers"
msgstr "? la fois pour les relecteurs et les r?dacteurs de la documentation"

#: docs.phtml:101
msgid ""
"Please read the following guides. The new docs are based on the GNOME2 XML "
"docbook system. Everyone wishing to help please follow these guides where "
"possible when reviewing and/or writing docs."
msgstr "Merci de lire ces guides pour savoir comment contribuer ? la documentation."

#: docs.phtml:106
msgid "We suggest also subscribing to "
msgstr "Nous sugg?rons ?galement l'inscription ? "

#: docs.phtml:108
msgid "Reviewers"
msgstr "Relecteurs"

#: docs.phtml:109
msgid ""
"Please check out the documentation module from the GnuCash svn - gnucash-"
"docs. For those not familiar with svn, the GnuCash wiki has a <a "
"href=''>description.</a> The only "
"change to get the docs is to change the checkout gnucash to checkout gnucash-"
"docs. You can also start from the current docs tarball."
msgstr "Merci d'extraire le module de documentation ? partir du d?p?t SVN. Voir les instructions en anglais pour plus de d?tail."

#: docs.phtml:110
msgid ""
"The best way of retaining comments about docs in an easy to find way for "
"everyone would be to use <a href=''>bugzilla.gnome."
"org</a> to file the bugs under documentation. This can also be done using "
msgstr "Le meilleur moyen de conserver des commentaires sur la documentation est de les enregistrer sur <a href=\"\"></a> dans la section documentation."

#: docs.phtml:112
msgid "Writers"
msgstr "R?dacteurs"

#: docs.phtml:113
msgid ""
"Also checkout the docs svn as above. The usual procedure for contributors to "
"GnuCash is to initially submit patches to the <a href='mailto:gnucash-"
"devel at'>gnucash-devel</a> mailing list. We will handle "
"getting the patches added into svn until you are given an account. You can "
"also add the patch to a bug report in bugzilla if you wish."
msgstr ""

#: docs.phtml:114
msgid ""
"Please let other writers know which section you wish to tackle. Please "
"forward this to <a href='mailto:gnucash-devel at'>gnucash-"
"devel</a> so that people can say 'hey I'm doing that already' or 'go ahead "
"and do it'."
msgstr ""

#: docs.phtml:115
msgid ""
"You may also want to retain a local copy of the old documentation to refer "
"to when writing. This still has a lot of useful information in it which "
"hasn't been transferred to the new docs"
msgstr ""

#: index.phtml:13
msgid "Welcome to"
msgstr "Bienvenue Sur"

#: index.phtml:15
msgid ""
"GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely "
"licensed under the <a href=\"\">GNU</a> GPL and available "
"for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows."
msgstr "GnuCash est un gestionnaire de finances personnelles pour GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris et Mac OS X et MS Windows qui vous est offert gratuitement sous la license GNU."

#: index.phtml:17
msgid ""
"Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to "
"track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses.  As quick and intuitive to "
"use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting "
"principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports. "
msgstr "Con?u pour ?tre simple d'utilisation, puissant et flexible, GnuCash vous permet de suivre l'?volution de vos comptes bancaires, portefeuilles d'actions, revenus et d?penses. Aussi rapide et intuitif ? utiliser qu'un registre de compte papier, il est bas? sur des principes de comptabilit? professionnelle pour assurer l'?quilibre des comptes et des rapports fiables."

#: index.phtml:20
msgid "Feature Highlights"
msgstr "Fonctionnalit?s"

#: index.phtml:23
msgid "QIF/OFX/HBCI Import, Transaction Matching"
msgstr "Importation des protocoles QIF/OFX/HBCI"

#: index.phtml:26
msgid "Financial Calculations "
msgstr "Calcul financier"

#: index.phtml:30
msgid "Double-Entry Accounting"
msgstr "Comptabilit? en partie double"

#: index.phtml:31
msgid "Stock/Bond/Mutual Fund Accounts"
msgstr "Actions/Obligations/Fonds mutuel"

#: index.phtml:32
msgid "Small-Business Accounting"
msgstr "Comptabilit? pour petites entreprises"

#: index.phtml:33
msgid "Customers, Vendors, Jobs, <br>Invoices, A/P, A/R"
msgstr ""
"Clients, Fournisseurs, T?ches,<br>Factures, Avis de paiement et de "
"r?ception, "

#: index.phtml:39
msgid "News"
msgstr "Actualit?s"

#: externals/header.phtml:25
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Langue"

#: externals/header.phtml:36
msgid "Continent"
msgstr "Continent"

#: externals/menu.phtml:11
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Information G?n?rale"

#: externals/menu.phtml:14
msgid "About / News"
msgstr "Sommaire / Actualit?s"

#: externals/menu.phtml:16
msgid "Screenshots, Features"
msgstr "Copies d'?crans, fonctionnalit?s"

#: externals/menu.phtml:17
msgid "How to help"
msgstr "Comment Aider"

#: externals/menu.phtml:23 externals/menu.phtml:25
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"

#: externals/menu.phtml:26
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"

#: externals/menu.phtml:27
msgid "Wiki"
msgstr "Wiki"

#: externals/menu.phtml:29
msgid "Mailing Lists"
msgstr "Listes de diffusion"

#: externals/menu.phtml:31
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Recherche"

#: externals/menu.phtml:33
msgid "Bug Reports"
msgstr "Rapport d'anomalies"

#: externals/menu.phtml:34
msgid "IRC (Chat)"
msgstr "Clavardage IRC"

#: externals/menu.phtml:35
msgid "Donations"
msgstr "Dons"

#: externals/menu.phtml:42
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "T?l?chargements"

#: externals/menu.phtml:45
msgid "Source code, Windows binary"
msgstr "Code source, ex?cutables windows"

#: externals/menu.phtml:46
msgid "Source code only (USA)"
msgstr "Code source seulement (USA)"

#: externals/menu.phtml:47
msgid "Source code only (Europe)"
msgstr "Code source seulement (Europe)"

#: externals/menu.phtml:54
msgid "Developer Information"
msgstr "Informations pour d?veloppeur"

#: externals/menu.phtml:57
msgid "Source Docs"
msgstr "Docs Source"

#: externals/menu.phtml:58
msgid "Browse Source Code"
msgstr "Visualiser le code source"

#: externals/menu.phtml:59
msgid "Subversion Access"
msgstr "Acc?s ? Subversion"

#: externals/menu.phtml:60
msgid "Language Translations"
msgstr "Transactions planifi?es"

#: externals/menu.phtml:61
msgid "Sizing"
msgstr "Dimensionnement"

#: externals/footer.phtml:4
msgid "Server &amp; email outage reports to: "
msgstr "Probl?mes de serveurs et de messagerie ? transmettre ? : "

#: externals/footer.phtml:5 search/templates/NMZ.foot.php_tmpl:15
msgid ""
"Translation problems? Contact: <a href=\"mailto:gnucash-devel at"
"\"><b>gnucash-devel at</b></a>"
msgstr "Probl?me de traduction ? Voir <a href=\"mailto:gnucash-devel at\"><b>gnucash-devel at</b></a>"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:4 search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:27
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Requ?tes"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:6
msgid "Single term query"
msgstr "Requ?te avec un seul terme"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:8
msgid ""
"This query specifies only one term for retrieving all of the\n"
"documents which contain that term, for example:"
msgstr ""
"La requ?te sp?cifie un seul terme pour retrouver tous\n"
"les documents qui contiennent ce terme. Ex.:"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:16
msgid "AND query"
msgstr "Requ?te AND"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:19
msgid ""
"This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all of the\n"
"documents which contain both terms. Insert the\n"
"<code class=\"operator\">and</code> operator between the terms, e.g."
msgstr ""
"La requ?te sp?cifie deux termes ou plus pour retrouver tous\n"
"les documents qui contiennent tous les termes ? la fois. Vous pouvez \n"
"ins?rer l'op?rateur <code class=\"operator\">and</code> entre les termes. "

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:29
msgid ""
"You can omit the <code class=\"operator\">and</code> operator.  Terms which "
"separated by one or more spaces are assumed to be an AND query."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez omettre l'op?rateur <code class=\"operator\">and</code>. Les "
"s?par?s par un ou plusieurs espaces sont consid?r?s comme une requ?te AND."

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:33
msgid "OR query"
msgstr "Requ?te OR"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:35
msgid ""
"This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all\n"
"documents which contain any one term. Insert the\n"
"<code class=\"operator\">or</code> operator between the terms,\n"
msgstr ""
"La requ?te sp?cifie deux termes ou plus pour retrouver tous\n"
"les documents qui contiennent l'un des termes. Vous pouvez ins?rer "
"<code class=\"operator\">or</code> entre les termes.\n"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:45
msgid "NOT query"
msgstr "Requ?te NOT"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:47
msgid ""
"This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all of the\n"
"documents which contain a first term but do not contain the\n"
"following terms. Insert the <code class=\"operator\">not</code>\n"
"operator between the terms, for example:"
msgstr ""
"La requ?te sp?cifie deux termes ou plus pour retrouver tous\n"
"les documents qui contiennent un premier terme mais qui ne contiennent pas "
"termes suivants. Vous pouvez ins?rer l'op?rateur <code class=\"operator"
"entre les termes pour faire une requ?te NOT. Ex.:"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:58
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Regroupement"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:60
msgid ""
"You can group queries by surrounding them by\n"
"parentheses. The parentheses should be separated by one or\n"
"more spaces. e.g."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez regrouper les requ?tes en les entourant par\n"
"des parenth?ses. Les parenth?ses doivent ?tre s?par?es par un ou\n"
"plusieurs espaces. Ex.:"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:69
msgid "Phrase searching"
msgstr "Recherche de phrase"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:71
msgid ""
"You can search for a phrase that consists of two or more terms\n"
"by surrounding them with double quotation marks or braces such as\n"
"<code class=\"operator\">\"...\"</code> and <code class=\"operator\">{...}</"
"In Namazu, the precision of phrase searching is not 100%,\n"
"so wrong results may occasionally occur.  Example:"
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez rechercher une fragemtn de phrase de deux ou plusieurs termes\n"
"en les entourant avec des guillemets, \n"
"<code class=\"operator\">\"...\"</code>, ou avec des accolades, <code class="
"Dans Namazu, la pr?cision de la recherche de phrase n'est pas de 100%.\n"
"Cela peut donc conduire pafois ? des r?sultats faux. Ex.:"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:88
msgid "Substring matching"
msgstr "Correspondance de sous-cha?ne"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:90
msgid "There are three types of searching by substring matching."
msgstr "Il existe trois types de recherche de sous-cha?nes."

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:94
msgid "Prefix matching"
msgstr "Correspondance pr?fix?e"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:95
msgid "(terms which begin with <code>inter</code>)"
msgstr "(les termes qui d?butent par <code>inter</code>)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:96
msgid "Inside matching"
msgstr "Correspondance int?rieure"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:97
msgid "(terms which contain <code>text</code>)"
msgstr "(les termes qui contiennent <code>text</code>)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:98
msgid "Suffix matching"
msgstr "Correspondance par suffixe"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:100
msgid "(terms which terminated with <code>net</code>)"
msgstr "(les termes qui finissent par <code>net</code>)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:104
msgid "Regular expressions"
msgstr "Expressions r?guli?res"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:107
msgid ""
"You can use regular expressions for pattern matching. The\n"
"regular expressions must be surrounded by slashes like <code\n"
"class=\"operator\">/.../</code>. Namazu uses <a\n"
"href=\"\">Ruby</a>'s regular\n"
"regular expressions engine. It generally offers a <a\n"
"href=\"\">Perl</a> compatible flavor.\n"
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez utiliser les expressions r?guli?res pour la recherche. Les\n"
"expressions r?guli?res doivent ?tre entour?es par des barres obliques, "
"class=\"operator\">/.../</code>. Namazu utilise le moteur d'expressions "
"r?guli?res de <a\n"
"href=\"\">Ruby</a>. Il permet g?n?ralement une "
"compatibilit?; avec <a\n"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:121
msgid "Field-specified searching"
msgstr "Recherche de champ sp?cifique"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:123
msgid ""
"You can limit your search to specific fields such as\n"
"<code>Subject:</code>, <code>From:</code>,\n"
"<code>Message-Id:</code>. This feature is especially convenient for\n"
"Mail/News documents, for example:"
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez limiter votre recherche ? des champs sp?cifiques tel que\n"
"<code>Subject:</code>, <code>From:</code>,\n"
"<code>Message-Id:</code>. Cela est particuli?rement utile pour \n"
"les documents de type Courrier ?lectronique/Message de forums de "
"discussions. Ex.:"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:131
msgid ""
"(Retrieves all documents which contain <code>Linux</code>\n"
"in a <code>Subject:</code> field)"
msgstr ""
"(Retrouve tous les documents qui contiennent <code>Linux</code>\n"
"dans le champ <code>Subject:</code>)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:136
msgid ""
"(Retrieves all documents which contain <code>GNU Emacs</code>\n"
"in a <code>Subject:</code> field)"
msgstr ""
"(Retrouve tous les documents qui contiennent <code>GNU Emacs</code>\n"
"dans le champ <code>Subject:</code>)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:141
msgid ""
"(Retrieves all documents which contain <code>foo at</code>\n"
"in a <code>From:</code> field)"
msgstr ""
"(Retrouve tous les documents qui contiennent <code>foo at</code>\n"
"dans le champ <code>From:</code>)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:147
msgid ""
"(Retrieves a certain document which contains specified\n"
msgstr ""
"(Retrouve un document qui contient le \n"
"<code>Message-Id:</code> sp?cifi?)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:152
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notes"

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:155
msgid ""
"In any queries, Namazu ignores case distinctions of\n"
"alphabet characters; i.e. Namazu does\n"
"case-insensitive pattern matching."
msgstr ""
"Dans toutes les requ?tes, Namazu ignore les distinctions de casse des\n"
"caract?res de l'alphabet. Autrement dit, Namazu fait\n"
"toujours une recherche ind?pendante de la casse."

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:160
msgid ""
"Japanese phrases are automatically segmented into\n"
"morphemes and are handled as <a\n"
"href=\"#query-phrase\">phrase searching</a>. This process occasionally\n"
"causes invalid segmentation."
msgstr ""
"Les phrases japonaises sont segment?es en\n"
"morph?mes automatiquement et sont g?r?es comme <a\n"
"href=\"#query-phrase\">une recherche de phrase</a>. Ce proc?d?\n"
"conduit parfois ? des segmentations invalides."

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:166
msgid ""
"Letters, numbers or parts of symbols (duplicated in\n"
"ASCII) which are defined in JIS X 0208 (Japanese\n"
"Industrial Standards) are handled as ASCII characters."
msgstr ""
"L'alphabet, les nombres ou une partie des caract?res symboles (copi?s de l'\n"
"ASCII) qui sont d?finis dans le JIS X 0208 (Standards \n"
"Industriel Japonais) sont g?r?s en tant que caract?res ASCII."

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:171
msgid ""
"Namazu can handle a term which contains symbols like\n"
"<code>TCP/IP</code>.  Since this method of handling isn't complete,\n"
"you can also describe the term as <code>TCP and IP</code> instead of\n"
"<code>TCP/IP</code>, but it may cause noisy results."
msgstr ""
"Namazu peut g?rer un terme qui contient des symboles comme \n"
"<code>TCP/IP</code>. Etant donn? que cette gestion n'est pas compl?te,\n"
"vous pouvez utiliser <code>TCP and IP</code> au lieu de \n"
"<code>TCP/IP</code>, mais cela peut conduire ? des r?sultats impr?cis."

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:178
msgid ""
"Substring matching and field-specified searching takes\n"
"more time than other methods."
msgstr ""
"La recherche de sous-cha?nes et de champs sp?cifiques prend\n"
"plus de temps que les autres m?thodes."

#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:182
#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"If you want to use <code class=\"operator\">and</code>,\n"
"<code class=\"operator\">or</code> or <code\n"
"class=\"operator\">not</code> as ordinary keywords<br>\n"
"You can surround them respectively with double quotes like <code\n"
"class=\"operator\">\"...\"</code> or braces like <code\n"
msgstr ""
"Vous voulez utiliser <code class=\"operator\">and</code>,\n"
"<code class=\"operator\">or</code> ou <code\n"
"class=\"operator\">not</code> en tant que mots clefs<br>\n"
"Vous pouvez les entourer respectivement avec des guillemets comme <code\n"
"class=\"operator\">\"...\"</code> ou des accolades comme <code\n"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:2
msgid "Mailing List Search"
msgstr "Recherche de liste de distribution"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:29
msgid "Search!"
msgstr "Rechercher!"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:31
msgid "[How to search]"
msgstr "[Comment faire une recherche]"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:34
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Affichage"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:42
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:44
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normal"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:45
msgid "short"
msgstr "courte"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:47
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "Tri"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:49
msgid "by score"
msgstr "par pertinence"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:50
msgid "by date in late order"
msgstr "par date (+ r?cent en premier)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:51
msgid "by date in early order"
msgstr "par date (+ ancien en premier)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:52
msgid "by title in ascending order"
msgstr "par titre (ordre ascendant)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:53
msgid "by title in descending order"
msgstr "par titre (ordre descendant)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:54
msgid "by author in ascending order"
msgstr "par auteur (ordre ascendant)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:55
msgid "by author in descending order"
msgstr "par auteur (ordre descendant)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:56
msgid "by size in ascending order"
msgstr "par taille (ordre ascendant)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:57
msgid "by size in descending order"
msgstr "par taille (ordre descendant)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:58
msgid "by URI in ascending order"
msgstr "par URI (ordre ascendant)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:59
msgid "by URI in descending order"
msgstr "par URI (ordre descendant)"

#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:64
msgid "Lists to Search"
msgstr "Listes ? rechercher"

#: search/templates/NMZ.result.normal.php_tmpl:4
#: search/templates/NMZ.result.short.php_tmpl:4
msgid "score"
msgstr "pertinence"

#: search/templates/NMZ.result.normal.php_tmpl:5
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Auteur"

#: search/templates/NMZ.result.normal.php_tmpl:6
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Date"

#: search/templates/NMZ.result.normal.php_tmpl:9
#: search/templates/NMZ.result.short.php_tmpl:6
msgid "(${size} bytes)"
msgstr "(${size} octets)"

#: search/templates/
msgid "Tips on searching"
msgstr "Trucs pour la recherche"

#: search/templates/
msgid "If you have trouble with searching, you can check the following tips."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez des probl?mes avec la recherche, vous pouvez essayer les trucs "

#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"Check a spelling of your keyword<br>\n"
"Namazu can't find anything with wrong spelling."
msgstr ""
"V?rifiez l'orthographe de votre mot clef<br>\n"
"Namazu ne peut rien trouver sans la bonne orthographe."

#: search/templates/
msgid "Add keywords"
msgstr "Ajoutez des mots clefs"

#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"If you gained no results or too few results, you can add one\n"
"or more related keywords with <code\n"
"class=\"operator\">or</code> operator.  You should get more results.\n"
msgstr ""
"Si vous n'obtenez aucun r?sultat ou trop peu de r?sultats, vous pouvez "
"ajouter un\n"
"ou plusieurs mots clefs li?s avec l'op?rateur <code\n"
"class=\"operator\">or</code>. Cela rend votre recherche\n"
"plus susceptible de donner des r?sultats. Ex.:"

#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"If you gained too many results, you can add one or more\n"
"related keywords with <code class=\"operator\">and</code>\n"
"operator. It makes your search more limited. e.g.,"
msgstr ""
"Si vous obtenez trop de r?sultats, vous pouvez ajouter un ou plusieurs\n"
"mots clefs li?s avec l'op?rateur <code class=\"operator\">and</code>\n"
". Cela rend votre recherche plus limit?e. Ex.:"

#: search/templates/
msgid "Try substring matching"
msgstr "Essayez la recherche de sous-cha?nes"

#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"If you gained no results or too few results, you can try\n"
"substring matching."
msgstr ""
"Si vous n'obtenez aucun r?sultat ou trop peu de r?sultats, vous pouvez "
"la recherche de sous-cha?nes."

#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"You can specify <code class=\"example\">tex*</code> to\n"
"search for terms which begin with\n"
"<code>tex</code> (e.g., <code>tex</code>,\n"
"<code>texindex</code>, <code>text</code>)."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez sp?cifier?<code?class=\"example\">tex*</code>?pour\n"
"rechercher des termes qui d?butent en\n"
"<code>texindex</code> ou <code>text</code>)."

#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"You can specify <code class=\"example\">*tex</code> to\n"
"search for terms which terminated with <code>tex</code> (e.g.,\n"
"<code>jlatex</code>, <code>latex</code>,\n"
"<code>platex</code>, <code>ptex</code>, <code>vertex</code>)."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez sp?cifier <code class=\"example\">*tex</code> pour\n"
"rechercher les termes qui se terminent en <code>tex</code> (ex.:\n"
"<code>jlatex</code>, <code>latex</code>,\n"
"<code>platex</code>, <code>ptex</code>, <code>vertex</code>)."

#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"You can specify <code class=\"example\">*tex*</code> to\n"
"search for terms which contain <code>tex</code> (many)."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez sp?cifier <code class=\"example\">*tex*</code> pour\n"
"rechercher les termes qui contiennent <code>tex</code> (ils sont nombreux)."

#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"You tried phrase searching but it hit documents which\n"
"didn't contain your phrase."
msgstr ""
"Vous avez essay? la recherche d'une phrase mais cela donne des documents "
"ne contiennent pas votre phrase."

#: search/templates/
msgid ""
"It's a defect of Namazu. Precision of phrase searching is\n"
"not 100%, so it cause wrong results occasionally."
msgstr ""
"C'est un d?faut de Namazu. La pr?cision de la recherche de phrase n'est\n"
"pas de 100%. Ceci peut parfois conduire ? des r?sultats ?ronn?s."

#: search/templates/NMZ.foot.php_tmpl:9
msgid "This search system is powered by:"
msgstr "Ce moteur de recherche utilise:"

#~ msgid "Features"
#~ msgstr "Fonctionnalit?s"

#~ msgid "USA (master site)"
#~ msgstr "USA (site principal)"

#~ msgid "SourceForge"
#~ msgstr "Sourceforge"

#~ msgid "Europe"
#~ msgstr "Europe"

#~ msgid "Australia"
#~ msgstr "Australie"

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