Income/Expenses report

Tim Vail jlyertv at
Thu Jan 8 22:35:28 EST 2009


Sorry for taking a long time getting back.  I finally went deeper into the net 
worth barchart report (which is also used to create the income/expenses chart 
report), and found that changing the report-utilities.scm's 
gnc:get-comm-balance-at-date function to NOT use qof resulted in a tremendous 
increase in speed.  Now, I'm not sure that is an acceptable solution -- 
particularly when we are trying to transition to be closer to SQL.  
Nevertheless, I've attached the patch (report-utilities.patch) for this part.

However, for cash flow report, I got that to run in less than a second too 
(processing all of my transactions dating back to 2006 -- something like 5000 
transactions).  The problem there was that the line:
			  (gnc:report-percent-done (* 85 (/ work-done splits-to-do))))

Was being run thousands of times.  That is a quite expensive call just to 
update the progress -- particularly if you have thousands of splits to do.  
What I did was change it to only update the progress every time it changes by 
1%.  The progress still seems to move quite smoothly (in the short time that 
it runs -- it runs really fast.

So...there are two patches attached.

Let me know if it works, and I'm curious what others have to say about the 
idea of swapping that report-utilities method to not use qof.  It is also 
possible that I'm missing something since for different commodities, maybe 
the qof method is more accurate.  I doubt that is the case, though.

By the way, I've subscribed to the gnucash-devel digest.


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