Installing SLIB 3b1 with Guile 1.8.6 (to work with Gnucash 2.8.8) [SOLVED]

Ludovic Courtès ludo at
Thu Jan 29 13:40:41 EST 2009


Tom Browder <tom.browder at> writes:

> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Ludovic Courtès <ludo at> wrote:

>> The important point with this sentence is that SLIB is third-party
>> software, so it's the section of the SLIB manual referenced here that
>> has the last word anyway.
> Its instructions don't work, either.

Then it's an SLIB bug that ought to be reported.

>> To me more precise, it's $datarootdir/guile/site and
>> $datarootdir/guile/1.8 that are produced.  So if you choose
>> $datarootdir_!=_/usr/local/share, then no, that directory is not
>> created---but it's not in Guile's `%load-path' either.
> Not correct for guile 1.8.6, I used the defaults,
> /usr/local/share/guile/site was not produced.

Hmm, you're right, sorry for the confusion.  Anyway, the ../1.8
directory is usually populated only by Guile-provided files, while
../site is where third-party modules should be installed.


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