File/Database access (open and save-as)

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at
Mon Mar 9 16:31:23 EDT 2009

On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 11:38:27AM -0400, Phil Longstaff wrote:


> I guess we need a discussion of what we want in 2.4.  Besides the sql 
> backends, what else might be ready?

I've been stewing for a while on how to allow deleting saved reports
and possibly redoing the access to saved reports in general (popping a
dialog with a list of saved reports and then having "delete" or "run"
buttons or something along those lines). I haven't started any of this
work, but I'm hitting spring break in two weeks and will (hopefully)
have some time to get that done. I could probably do some proof of
concept on it in the next couple of days and then follow up with the
results of that here.

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