Webkit status (updated)

Chris Dennis cgdennis at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 31 17:44:20 EDT 2009

Yes!  It works, and it's wonderful.

I started from scratch in an empty directory, and checked out the webkit 
branch again, ran autogen.sh and this:
   ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gnucash-webkit --enable-webkit \
     --enable-debug --enable-doxygen --enable-error-on-warning \
This time config.h DID include a definition of WANT_WEBKIT, and webkit 
gets included and used.  (I did have to make one change to get it to 
compile -- see the patch below).

So now, reports can use proper CSS stylesheets, giving full control of 
fonts and sizes and colours etc., all of which is easy using eguile-gnc.scm.

This is a big step forward for GnuCash reporting.  I'm celebrating with 
a nice cup of tea.



patch required to get the webkit branch to compile for me on Ubuntu 
8< -------------------------------------------------------
Index: src/gnome-utils/gnome-utils.i
--- src/gnome-utils/gnome-utils.i	(revision 18011)
+++ src/gnome-utils/gnome-utils.i	(working copy)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
  %import "base-typemaps.i"

  /* Parse the header file to generate wrappers */
-%include "gnc-html-extras.h"
+%include "../html/gnc-html-extras.h"

  GNCOptionWin * gnc_options_dialog_new(gchar *title);
8< --------------------------------------------------------

Chris Dennis                                  cgdennis at btinternet.com
Fordingbridge, Hampshire, UK

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