Ubuntu build and build-dep libaqbanking

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 25 15:55:17 EST 2009

2009/11/25 Christian Stimming <stimming at tuhh.de>:

> - To build gnucash without --enable-aqbanking, none of aqbanking or its
> dependencies is needed.
> - To build gnucash with --enable-aqbanking, an installation of the aqbanking
> development files (libaqbanking-dev) and gwenhywfar development files
> (libgwenhywfar-dev) is needed, but none of the additional aqbanking build
> requirements. However I think libaqbanking-dev has some additional
> requirements on other -dev packages, probably libgmp-dev and libgnutls-dev
> - To build libaqbanking itself (and only then), the full build-dep
> libaqbanking are needed.

Right, got it, thanks


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