Win32: The binary pgsql package depends on MSVCR71.dll which we must not depend upon

Martin Preuss aquamaniac at
Sat Oct 3 11:53:03 EDT 2009


On Samstag, 3. Oktober 2009, Christian Stimming wrote:
> Oh, and there's a much more severe error, as mentioned by me in the
> bugzilla item: By including the suitable openssl DLLs (libeay32.dll,
> libssl32.dll, ssleay32.dll) in your pgsql binary, you're silently
> overwriting those openssl DLLs which we compile ourselves during the win32
> build, and on which the aqbanking library depends upon. In other words, the
> inclusion of the current pgsql binary package most probably will cause any
> SSL-related operation of aqbanking to crash badly.

BTW: AqBanking doesn't link against OpenSSL and even doesn't use it at all (we 
had to switch to GCrypt due to Debian's unwillingness to ship AqBanking when 
linked against OpenSSL).

However, the library Gwenhywfar contains a console tool ("gct-tool") which 
links against OpenSSL. But this tool is only needed to create and manage 

Anyway, introducing another MSVC version will most likely lead to other 
problems due to clashing of symbols... One can't predict from which MSVC dll 
symbols are taken if there are multiple MSVC*.dll...


"Things are only impossible until they're not"

Martin Preuss -
AqBanking -
LibChipcard -

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