mobile gnucash?

John Gray gray at
Fri Oct 23 14:59:22 EDT 2009

Yes, I know UI development can be a bit tricky on the mobile devices.

I've been thinking about writing a core that handles the functionality,
and native UI wrappers.

Or at least spec'ing out formats and do the apps natively.


Derek Atkins wrote:
> John Gray <gray at> writes:
>> I don't think it would particularly difficult to develop it.
> There are a lot of UI issues involved in developing a mobile app.
>> If I get some free time in the next few months, I'll try to take a crack
>> at it.  Probably on an adroid phone.  And I might look at creating the
>> account list exporter this weekend.  I'll just need to bone up on the
>> APIs for that.
> Okay.
>> John
> -derek

John Gray                           gray at
AgoraNet, Inc.                      (302) 224-2475
314 E. Main Street, Suite 1         (302) 224-2552 (fax)
Newark, De 19711          

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