Issues/suggestions re online quotes

Donald Allen donaldcallen at
Sun Oct 25 22:15:44 EDT 2009

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Donald Allen <donaldcallen at> wrote:
> 1. At least on OpenBSD, the online quotes-related programs that are
> mentioned in the Tutorial and Concepts Guide -- update-finance-quote
> and dump-finance-quote -- are actually named gnc-fq-update and
> gnc-fq-dump. This is also the case on my wife's Windows installation.
> In trying to debug why my newly-installed gnucash on an OpenBSD system
> was graying-out the "Get Quotes" button, I was mightily confused by
> the divergence between the documentation and the truth. The document
> needs to be fixed.

Oops, my apologies. I thought I had the latest version of the doc and
didn't and the latest has the naming change.


> 2. In doing the OpenBSD gnucash (2.2.8)  install, I also installed the
> p5-Finance-Quote package. This is not sufficient to get online quotes
> to work. But gnucash was silent, even in the log with extra logging
> enabled, about the reason why quotes weren't working, despite the
> presence of the Finance-Quote package, which the Tutorial and Concepts
> Guide would have you believe *is* sufficient. I finally picked through
> the code, and ran gnc-fq-check manually, discovering that the
> p5-DateManip packages was also needed. At the very least, gnucash
> should report what gnc-fq-check has to say if it fails, perhaps to
> stderr and/or to the log file. I've just retired and have more time
> available now. After the just-retired transient settles down, I can
> take a look at this and suggest a patch, if no one else has time to
> work on it.
> /Don

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