[PATCH] Budget Report: Omit accounts with no budget and zero balance

Luke Duncan duncan72187 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 21:36:33 EDT 2009


I have fixed the issue of determining the end date of the budget. The 
feature is now completely implemented. Reported as bug 593070 with an 
updated patch attached.

Please let me know if there are any issues with this patch.


On 08/24/2009 12:11 AM, Luke Duncan wrote:
> Hello,
> This patch creates an option for the budget report that allows it to 
> omit accounts that have zero balance and no budget value specified for 
> the entire term of the budget. This avoids showing entire rows of 
> blank cells without the user having to manually select which accounts 
> have a budget value or balance for the term of the budget.
> The end-date that is used in the patch to determine which accounts 
> have balances is one day too late. This may cause the report to 
> display accounts that it should actually be omitting in some rare 
> cases. Can anyone point me to a way to subtract a day from this date 
> or otherwise modify the date using scheme. I wasn't able to find much 
> documentation on this.
> Any feedback is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Luke.

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