OSX/Quartz build: how to enable mysql support ?

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Thu Apr 22 12:47:11 EDT 2010

On Apr 22, 2010, at 9:14 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:

> That worked with some minor tweaking. I'll report my actions here for future 
> reference:
> * First I added these two lines to .jhbuildrc-custom:
> mysql_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "Library/mysql")
> append_autogenargs("libdbi-drivers", "--with-mysql --with-mysql-incdir=" + 
> mysql_dir + "/include --with-mysql-libdir=" + mysql_dir + "/lib")
> (the second line is split up by my mail client, it should be on one line)
> * Then it took me a while to figure out where to get the mysql headers and  
> libraries. Turns out mysql publishes them as the "MySQL C connector". (look 
> for mysql-connector-c in the download section on the mysql website)
> * Next I had to modify the directory layout of this download: the dbi driver 
> expects to find the headers in include/mysql, while they come in include/ by 
> default. A simple move of the headers to this subdirectory fixed it
> * Finally before running gnucash, the path the myql-connector lib directory 
> has to be added to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. For simplicity, I chose to export it on 
> the command line:
> export DYLD_LIBARY_PATH=~/Library/mysql/lib
> <run gnucash>
> I may add a cleaned up version of this info to the wiki, so others that wish 
> to experiment with gnucash/mysql on OS X can repeat the steps.
> Just out of curiosity, are there any plans to include mysql/postgres 
> integration in the jhbuild system (as an optional module perhaps) ?

It sounds like the mysql stuff is pre-compiled. Jhbuild doesn't work with that.
If there's a source option and you write the modules for it, I'll add them to gnucash.modules.

John Ralls

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