Future of Gnucash (Javascript?)

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Tue Dec 28 16:35:26 EST 2010

Am Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010 schrieb Jeff Warnica:
> The question shouldn't be "C++ or not", but "what is the best
> 2nd/runtime/scripting language?"
> In 2010/2011, given that Gnucash isn't a game, there is really only one
> choice: Javascript. While http://live.gnome.org/Gjs seems rather dead,
> http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell is obviously committed to Javascript (and
> Gjs as the binding toolkit). The low-level infrastructure is there, Gnome
> 3.0/GnomeShell 1.0 time frame is shorter then Gnucash 2.6, at the very
> least.

As I've written in my other message: Yes. A scripting language might be even 
better than any compiled language such as C++. I would love to see an example 
project which shows how something similar to gnucash can be build using 
Javascript. I'm not familiar with GnomeShell so far, so I won't work on such 
an experiment as a starter. But if someone can show to us how something 
similar to gnucash would be started in Javascript, I would surely consider 
this a very good option to choose.

One minor issue against the language, though: IMHO the syntax sucks. Also, for 
a newcomer it sucks that the syntax tricks you into thinking it were similar 
to Java. It is not, not at all. In reality it is rather much more similar to 
Scheme (heh), but the syntax tries its best to hide this from the programmer. 
Ok, maybe that's just the beginner's learning curve, but currently I don't 
like the language. You are heartly invited to prove me otherwise.

Best Regards,


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