Changeset 18673 doesn't work

J. Alex Aycinena alex.aycinena at
Sat Feb 27 18:22:19 EST 2010


Changeset 18673 introduced a problem in
gnucash/trunk/src/tax/us/txf.scm. Edit=>Tax Report Options crashes
Gnucash with the following:

In unknown file:
   ?: 0* [gnc:txf-get-help (# # # # ...) N683]
In /opt/gnucash-svn/gnucash-clean/share/gnucash/scm/txf.scm:
  70: 1* (let* ((pair (assv code txf-help-strings))) (if pair (cdr pair) ...))
  71: 2  (if pair (cdr pair) (_ "No help available."))
  73: 3  (_ "No help available.")

/opt/gnucash-svn/gnucash-clean/share/gnucash/scm/txf.scm:73:9: In
expression (_ "No help available."):
/opt/gnucash-svn/gnucash-clean/share/gnucash/scm/txf.scm:73:9: Unbound
variable: _

The same problem probably applies to
gnucash/trunk/src/tax/us/txf-de_DE.scm although I haven't checked it.
Have you tried it?

You need to back it out unless you can figure out how to get the
translation function (_ "") to work for those files, which it doesn't
seem to be doing. I don't know how that's supposed to work or what
other changes you may need to make to get it to work.


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