GNUCash for non profits

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Wed Jan 13 17:01:07 EST 2010

Phuntsok Rapden wrote:

>>Hello, can GnuCash be used by non-profit organizations if the account
>>descriptions are modified? Thank you so much for this wonderful product.
>gnucash-devel mailing list
>gnucash-devel at
As treasurer of a 501(c)3 I use GnuCash to keep the organization's 
books. I am a bit puzzled by the "if account descriptions are modified". 
For the books themselves I can't see what modifications would be 
required. For the reports as generated you could either use custom 
reports (more trouble than worthy) or do as is normally done, after 
exporting the reports, edit the titles, etc. as your heart desires.

In other words, the "raw" reports aren't what you would pass out to the 
board of directors (or file with governmental agencies) but the finished 
reports. In our case we produce the "Income Statement" and "Balance 
Sheet" reports out of GnuCash but these are just the DATA used for the 
finished product annual report according to GAAP for non-profits. That's 
going to be produced under the control of some editor anyway, so you 
simply change the names, etc. then.


There is no possibility of social justice on a dead planet except the equality of the grave.

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