Changeset 18575: Bug #607185: Add f-q workaround for missing date.

Frank H. Ellenberger f.ellenberger at
Thu Jan 21 20:58:46 EST 2010

Hi Christian,

I have the following problem with this patch:
Let us assume, I have a crontab entry
0 8 * * 1-5 gnucash --add-price-quotes $HOME/<GnuCash-Dateiname> > /dev/null 
and I had some fund, which would publish his NAV each workday at 20:00.
Then the normal Monday run would result in the date of last Friday 20:00.
With this patch, the result would be Monday 12:00. It would be shifted by 3 
Assume further, at tuesday the problem is fixed. Then I would have 2 different 
Monday entries. 

The second point is the fixed time: somebody else might have an entry
0 * * * * gnucash --add-price-quotes $HOME/<GnuCash-Dateiname> > /dev/null 
In a volatile market she would get up to 24 really different rates with the 
same timestamp. 

Confusing? Yes, at least for me.
Or should 12:00 indicate estimated date, time unknown? 
Is there no other way to indicate an estimated timestamp?

Just some thoughts


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