Event in Berlin, Germany: LinuxTag 2010: 9.-12. June; GnuCash-Talk June 10th, 12:30 Uhr; Invitations available

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Sun Jun 6 15:24:40 EDT 2010

Dear all,

next week there will be a Linux expo in Berlin, Germany: The LinuxTag 2010.

Claudia and I will present a talk about GnuCash (in German) there: "Open 
Source und Finanzen: GnuCash für 
Privatanwender und kleine Unternehmen", Thursday, 10.06.2010, 12:30 Uhr im 
Raum Berlin 1 (Halle 7-3), 

Everyone who's around is invited to visit us. Additionally, as a speaker I 
have the opportunity to give away 5 invitations for free entrance tickets 
(otherwise 14 EUR per day). Please send a message directly to me if you are 
interested in getting one.

Best Regards,


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